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Natasha woke up the next day and saw a strong pair of arms around her waist.

"Morning Baby." Natasha smiled at Steve.

"Hey Sweetie. How do you feel?" He asked.

"Better, just seeing you." She smiled.

"You took the words out off the mouth baby." He said whilst leaning down to kiss her.

They got up and got changed upstairs, to see the gang scattered across the room.

"Morning!" They couple exclaimed.

"Love birds. You still haven't explained yourself still." Tony tutted.


"No, Steve. I've got this. There's nothing to be ashamed of." Natasha cut him off.

"Really?" Steve smiled.

"Yeah. Ok, Listen. You wanna know the short story, well here it is. We kissed on the night of the party. We slipped out the room and no-one noticed. And after you all went to sleep we kissed and again, and you can guesses what happened when Maria open her big mouth."

"And Stark kinda gave the whole thing away." Steve added on.

"See?" Natasha exclaimed.

They two held hands and waited on everyone else's approval.

"Aww. Congratulations!" Betty smiled.

A second later many congratulations flew around the room.

"Clinton. Can we still see Laura today?" Natasha asked. "Is she coming?"

"Yeah. I'm going to get her in like an hour." Clint said.

"How Nathaniel? Little Fat-"

"NAT!" Steve and Clint yelled.

"That son of yours is a traitor. Is was meant to be little Tasha." She whined.

"Whatever, I'm going to get Laura, see you in a bit." Clint said.

Clint left the room leaving everyone silent.

"What now?" Maria asked,

"Shopping. There's a Halloween Party on tomorrow." Tony grinned.

"Didn't we not just have a party a few days ago?" Steve and Natasha asked.

"But this party is going to be better. There are going to be hot models, that I think we need to cancel, because Steve and Red are going out." Tony sighed.

"So the main cause of this party was to get Steve a girlfriend?" Natasha asked.

"Which there is no need for because I already have a girlfriend."  He said whilst leaning in to kiss her, as they did.

"Public Displays Off Affection make people very uncomfortable!"
A voice said.

They swung their heads to see Sharon Carter, who looked like she was about to be sick.

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