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I smooth out my dress, looking around the restaurant where we’d first met. He was returning from tour today and I was supposed to meet him here. I'd never been one who believed in fate. I'd always thought there were too many coincidences for fate to ever be a thing. But that's the only word that comes to mind when I think of that day.

I'd just moved to London. My life's dream. After two full days of unpacking, I was grimy and exhausted. I decided to treat myself to a nice dinner to celebrate the move and to prepare myself for the tediousness of the next couple days of searching for a job.

Twenty minutes later, I’m showered, changed, and out the door. I’d had to pick a restaurant from the phonebook since I’d yet to set up the Internet or pick up a new sim card for my phone. I mentally add those tasks to my ever-growing checklist. The place I pick out isn’t too far away so I decide to walk the couple blocks. When I get there, I’m starting to feel the effects from the long day and I’m starving. I give the host my name before looking around. My eyes widen as I see two people seated at a table a little bit a ways. I walk over there without even thinking.

“Oh my god, you’re Nick Grimshaw and Rita Ora,” I say trying to contain my grin.

“And you’re American,” he says in amusement.

“I—uh—yea,” I stutter. “Do you think I could get an autograph?”

He nods, taking a pen out of his pocket and grabbing his napkin. He pauses, halfway through signing his name, glancing back towards the bathrooms.

“Actually… how would you feel helping us out with a prank on our friend?” he asks.

“Uhh sure?” I question.

“Great, here, just take this seat. He’s in the bathroom now; we’re going to pretend like we left. Just sit here and wait for him to come back ok?”

“Ummmm,” I trail off looking between the two of them. What if they were just using that as an excuse to ditch me?

“You’ll like it, I promise. It’ll be fun.”

“Yea… ok,” I say with a nod. Rita laughs and the two of them quickly gather their stuff while I take a seat in the open chair.

“Thanks babe,” he says as they head towards the entrance. I watch as they come to a stop behind a plant and I breathe a sigh of relief that they weren’t just ditching me with the bill.

The waitress comes over, depositing plates of food in front of me and I look over to where Nick and Rita were hiding to see them covering their mouths to hide the laughter.

“Eat,” he mouths, miming an eating motion to the plate in front of me. I cast him a skeptical look but do as I’m told, taking a bite of the pasta.

“Errr what are you doing?” a voice behind me asks. I turn around and drop the fork, almost choking when I see Harry Styles standing there.

“You’re Harry Styles,” I squeak after the coughing has subsided. And I thought he looked good in pictures. In real life he was practically Adonis.

“Yea and you’re in my seat eating my spaghetti. Where are the people who were here before you?” he asks, casting a look around the restaurant.  That’s when I remember I was sitting here for a prank.

“They umm. They left and I couldn’t resist coming over and sitting where you sat. I’ve been following you around all week,” I gush, playing along with the prank. He shifts in unease, attempting to subtly grab his coat off the back of my seat.

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