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"C'mon girls, we just need to hold them" our coach calls as we jog onto the field. It was the bottom of the 7th of our championship game and we were up by 1. I glance over at the stands where I see all our family and friends cheering us on. Well... almost all, I think. Harry wasn't here. I couldn't really blame him though. He had a signing he was doing with the boys all day and it's not like I could expect him to cancel that and disappoint his fans. Still. It would have been nice to have my boyfriend here supporting me. We make the first out easy enough, a fly ball to center. The next person up hits a nice ball past the shortstop and gets to first. I glance over at her as she stands on the base next to me. "Watch for the steal" I call, seeing her poised to run as the next batter gets set in the box. This girl was their big hitter. I glance uneasily at our coach who has realized this also and is giving our pitcher the sign to walk her. We can't risk her hitting a homerun and winning the game. The pitcher nods, and throws 4 easy balls way outside the plate to our catcher and the girl walks to first. I bounce on the balls of my feet, adrenaline coursing through my veins. We were so close to a win, we couldn't lose now. Not after how hard we worked. The next play happened in a flash. The girl hit a hard ground ball down the first base line. In a rush, I scooped up the ball touching the base getting her out before looking to second. The runner was only half way there. I throw the ball hard to the shortstop that was covering second and she catches it, making the tag. The crowd roars. I'd just made a double play for the win. The next thing I know, I'm swarmed by my teammates, lifting me up onto their shoulders. I let out a laugh, cheering along with them as I watch as two of the girls grab the cooler, dumping it on our coach.

All of a sudden, a hush rushes through the crowd. The girls holding me up, practically drop me to the ground. As I scramble to my feet, I look around, confused and see everyone staring at the sidelines.

"Oh my god it's Harry Styles!" a girl from the other team shrieks and I spin around, my eyes instantly falling on the curly haired boy a few yards away.

"Harry!" I scream, seeing the dimpled smile appear on his face as I run over, probably sounding like a huge fan girl. The only difference being he opened his arms to me as I barreled into him.

"Eww you're all sweaty" he joked as I hugged him. I jump back at his words blushing, realizing how dressed up he was.

"I think I got some dirt on you" I say with a laugh wiping at his shirt, trying to get some of the dirt off unsuccessfully. He just laughs, pulling me back into a hug.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"At the very end" he says a partial frown on his face. "I tried to get here faster but a lot of people came and I couldn't just run out on them. I saw the last play though. You were amazing."

"Thanks" I say, the pink tinge returning to my cheeks. "But it wasn't just me, the whole team played great" I say motioning back to the girls as I look back at their faces staring at us in awe. The girls on my team knew I was dating Harry but they'd never been introduced so I guess they were in shock that he was actually real. I look back at the boy in front of me and try to wipe the dirt off his shirt again.

"I probably look like crap compared to you" I say jokingly, knowing the uniforms are definitely not the most flattering of clothing.

"Jill" he says sternly and I look up from his shirt. "I don't care what clothes you wear. You could wear a banana costume and I'd still think you're beautiful." I smile, feeling that familiar flutter in my heart as his eyes bore into mine. "I love you for you, don't ever forget that" he says before pressing his lips to mine.

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