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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I repeat over and over as Harry leads us through a back entrance into the stadium so we wouldn't be mobbed. I was practically shaking in anticipation. Harry laughs, glancing over at me with an amused expression.

"Excited?" he asks jokingly.

"Yes!" I screech, "What if I get to meet Dwane Wade? Oh my god what if I can get a hug from Lebron James?" I ask jumping up and down excitedly. He laughs again, shaking his head at my reaction.

"You sounds just like our fans before the meet and greet,” he says jokingly. I stick my tongue out in response. "But no really, if you want to meet them I'm sure that can be arranged" he says with a shrug. My jaw drops. I suppose that was one of the perks when your boyfriend was an international celebrity. It had just never occurred to me that it meant I'd be able to meet some of my favorite players.

"I would love you forever" I say seriously. He laughs and nods his head pressing his lips to my forehead before we continue walking down to our floor seats. When Harry had asked what I wanted for my birthday and I had responded with tickets to see the Heat, he hadn't spared any expenses. Floor seats at one of the biggest games of the season: Miami Heat vs. the New York Knicks. We get down to the floor and see the players beginning their warm up. My eyes instantly land on Lebron and I watch with a wide smile as he easily shoots the ball getting nothing but net. I take my seat, intently watching the warm up before me as Harry meanders over to the coach and introduces himself, exchanging a few words with him. The coach nods, agreeing to whatever Harry is saying. Harry looks back at me and motions me over. I quickly stand up, catching my foot on the edge of the seat and almost tripping. By the time I manage to get over, I look up to see Harry holding back laughter, his eyes twinkling in amusement. I give him a mock glare before turning towards the coach.

"H-hi" I manage to stutter out,

"I hear you're a big fan,” Erik Spoelestra says with a smile. I nod, to awestruck to speak. "Harry also mentioned something about earning brownie points if I introduced you to some people." he says with a grin. My eyes widen as he calls over Dwane and Lebron. They trot over, polite smiles on their face. When I get over the shock of being face to face with my idols, I manage to stutter out a few words about how amazing they were. They chuckle, thanking me, and sign my jersey for me. The coach eventually sends them back onto the court to continue their warm up, leaving me staring at their retreating figures. Harry thanks the coach and we return to our seats as the stadium begins to fill up.

"And I thought our fans fangirled" he says teasingly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him. Once again, I respond by sticking my tongue out at him.

"You're just jealous that I don't idolize you like that" I say poking him in the side. He squirms away with a laugh, nodding his head. Eventually the stadium fills up, and the game begins. The Heat quickly pull ahead by a few baskets, leading the game 26-20 at the end of the first quarter. As the second quarter starts, I begin to notice that there were quite a few pairs of eyes that were more focused on Harry and I than on the game. I sidle closer to Harry, uncomfortable under all the foreign gazes. I had never realized how much attention I'd get dating 'The Harry Styles'.

"What's wrong?" he asks, noticing how tense I was.

"We're being watched again" I murmur. He glances around, seeing the eyes on us and wraps his arm around me pulling me closer.

"Just ignore them,” he says quietly, his lips pressed against my ear. I nod, leaning my head against his shoulder as I train my eyes on the game, determined to ignore the eyes on us. All to soon, it's half time, and the Knicks had caught up tying the game at 48-48. I watch the screen as they do the half time race things, cheering when the ice cream cone gets first. The screen changes and the Kiss-cam comes up. I smile as I watch the different couples appear on the screen, some not noticing for a few seconds but all eventually kissing. The kiss cam was one of my favorite parts; it was adorable seeing the different couples in love at the games. I choke back a laugh when the screen changes to the next couple and I'm staring at my own face on the screen. The face on the screen turns bright red and I glance at Harry who is now looking at me a grin on his face.

"But everyone's watching" I protest.

"Then lets give them something to watch" he says with a wink before leaning over and kissing me, a cheer erupting in the stadium. Harry pulls back, resting his forehead against mine and the camera flicks to a new couple somewhere else in the stadium, but I'm no longer paying attention to that. I'm focused on the green eyes, locked on my own.

"Best birthday ever" I say softly before our lips meet again, this time with no one watching.

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