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"Ok, you're all set. Here's your schedule, and your locker is just down the hall" the secretary says, handing me a slip of paper. 

"Thanks" I say plastering on a fake smile before leaving the office, looking down at my schedule. I let out a groan when I see French on it. I'd been hoping language wouldn't be compulsory at this school. I barely spoke any French. With a sigh I let my hand fall to my side as I walk down the hall to my locker.  I couldn't believe my mom had moved us all in the middle of the year. She had always been talking about a change of scenery but I never expected her to actually go through with it. Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to travel, I just didn't think it would happen until I was done with school. I didn't want to leave my friends behind and have to make new ones. I finally find my locker and open it, shoving my backpack in and grabbing the books I'd need for my first few classes. I look at my schedule again, as I begin trying to find my first class.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath as I hit a dead end. I start backtracking; picking up my speed when I notice no one else is in the hall. As I approach the corner, I hear a laugh and a boy comes barreling around, looking over his shoulder. My eyes widen as he flies right at me and I brace myself for impact knowing I don't have time to get out of his way. As soon as my eyes squeeze shut, I feel the collision and I fly backwards, the books in my hands shooting in every direction.

"Oh jeez I'm sorry,” he hastily says picking himself up off the floor. I nod, not glancing up at the boy as I begin to grab my books. He kneels down, helping pick up a few when the door to a nearby classroom swings open.

"Harry Styles I've told you a thousand times. Don't run in the halls because you'd hurt someone. Now look what you did." the professor starts ranting.

"She's not hurt,” he says interrupting him. "Right?" he asks looking down at me pleadingly. I nod my head, looking before looking back up at the professor.

"Right. I'm fine,” I say plastering on a smile. The professor frowns before looking back at Harry.

"Fine, but if I see you run again, detention. Now get to class,” he orders before closing the door. 

"Thanks" Harry says as I stand up and he hands me a few of my books. I shrug slightly.

"It's cool,” I say taking them, tucking them back under my arm.

"Smooth one Haz" a voice says laughing. The two of us turn to see some guy approaching, an amused look on his face. "Saw everything. Almost got detention" he adds with a laugh. He throws an arm around Harry's shoulder before looking at me. "Who's this?" he asks Harry, raising an eyebrow a smile on his face.

"Oh uhh.." Harry trails off.

"Caitlyn" I offer. 

"Hey, I'm Will" the boy says offering his hand. I grin shaking it. "And this loser is my friend Harry but we all call him Haz." he adds squeezing Harry's shoulder. I laugh slightly and Will gets a pleased expression on his face while Harry looks like he's biting back a retort.

"So are you new here?" Will asks. "I haven't seen you around"

"Yea" I say nodding my head. "It's my first day."

"And I was just about to show her to class" Harry says before Will can start speaking again, shrugging Will's arm off. I raise my eyebrows at Harry as he puts his hand on the small of my back leading me off since he hadn't said anything about showing me to class before.

"Don't forget about band practice tonight" Will calls as Harry leads me away. Harry waves goodbye, not bothering to look back.

"Sorry about that." he says with a smile as we round the corner. "Will always steals the pretty girls from me and you were one I wasn't going to let that happen to."

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