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"Harry!" I yell, jumping out of the black Escalade almost before it had even come to a stop, and charge at the boy waiting out front. He catches me with a grin as I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him, a huge smile on my face.

"Hey Em" he chuckles "Long time no see" I pull back and a smile playing over my face.

"Haha yea?" I ask jokingly "It's just been months since you've been home" I add. 3 Months, 2 weeks, 5 days, and 6 hours since he boarded that plane to begin their tour to be exact, but I wasn't going to mention that part.

"Three months, two weeks, and five days" he says with a grin and my eyes widen. He'd been counting the time to? Shush Em, I scold myself. He's probably keeping track of how long it's been since he's seen his family, not you, I remind myself. "Come on, let’s get you settled before all the fans go crazy,” he says jokingly. I look around and for the first time notice all the screaming girls surrounding us, held back by Paul and some other security. My eyes grow huge as I taken in the crowd. 

"Is it always like this?" I ask in wonderment. I hadn't realized he was this famous. To me, he'd always been the kid from Holmes Chapel that had never stopped singing. 

"This is nothing. We just switched to this hotel so not everyone knows we are here yet. Just wait until tomorrow" he says with a grin, picking up my bag and leading me into the lobby. I look around the hotel, my jaw dropping at the extravagance. I couldn't believe Harry had flown me out onto their tour to stay a week with him and the lads. I suppose being childhood friends with a celebrity had its perks. Not that I ever would think of taking advantage of that. He was first and foremost my friend. My heart feels the familiar ache as friend crosses my mind. That was all we'd ever be. He'd never see me as more than that. No matter how many 11:11's I wished on. I shake myself out of these thoughts as Harry walks back from the counter with my room key.

"Here ya go. 14th floor. Right across the hall from mine" he says with a grin.

"Great" I say returning the grin. We walk down a hallway until it dead-ends.

"Uh Harry..." I say watching him press the elevator button.

"What?" he asks confused as I freeze. I watch as it finally dawns on him and he lets out a groan. "You don't like elevators. I forgot" he says as I nod my head. "Come on.. just get in. It'll be over soon" he says as the elevator dings and the door opens. I shake my head, crossing my arms, refusing to get on. He frowns, glancing back at the elevator, before scooping me up and carrying me in.

"Harry let me go. Put me down. I'm not going in" I shout beating against his chest. He releases me as the elevator closes and pushes the button for the 14th floor. "What the flip Harry?" I yell.

"Just calm down. It will be over in a few seconds,” he says trying to assure me. A screeching noise fills the air and the elevator jolts to a stop, sending me flying into Harry's arms. He catches me, steading me before looking around confused. "We stopped,” he says, stating the obvious.

"Oh my god. We're stuck. We're going to die" I say starting to panic. 

"It'll be fine" Harry says trying to calm me down, pulling out his phone and punching in a number.

"Hey Paul, we've got a problem. Em and I are stuck in the elevator. It seems to have broken... uh huh... yea... ok... ok. Bye" he says into the phone before hanging up. "They are calling a repairman and an electrician." he says settling down onto the floor, seemingly unaware that I was starting to shake. "We might be here a while so we might as well get comf-- are you ok?" he asks finally looking up. I shake my head no, tears forming in my eyes. His expression instantly turns to one of worry and he opens his arms. I sit down between his legs, leaning against him as he wraps his arms around me. "I'm so sorry Em,” he says running his fingers through my hair as a tear breaks through, running down my cheek. "If I'd known it would break I'd never have made you come in." I nod my head against his chest, reaching a shaky hand up to my face to brush away the tear. "Oh Em, please don't cry. I never wanted to make you cry,” he says. I look up at his face, seeing guilt written all over it.

"It's not your fault,” I say with a hiccup. "It's mine. It's a stupid thing to be afraid of" I say trying to put on a smile. From Harry's expression, I could tell it wasn't a believable one.

"Well what if I distract you from it?" he asks. I nod my head for him to give it a go. He hesitates for a second while trying to think of something. 

"I, I wanna save you. Wanna save your heart tonight. He'll only break you. Leave you torn apart, oh" he starts singing. I choke back a laugh and he looks down at me, a smile on his face. 

"Seriously?" I ask jokingly. If it were a random fan he'd been stuck in here with, she probably would have fainted.

"It's a quarter to three can't sleep at all. He's so overrated,” he continues. I shake my head with a laugh before resting it against his chest again. He continues singing and my eyes drift shut as I feel the vibrations from his singing. The trembling starts to fade as I tune out everything but his voice. If only he knew how much i wish that his words were true. The song ends and I look up to see his face inches from mine, his green eyes boring into my blue ones. He cups my cheek, his thumb wiping away the remnant tears. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. The next thing I know his lips are crashing against mine. I'm not sure who moved in first but we were kissing. Something I'd been dreaming of doing for years. Eventually we break apart and he rests his forehead against mine. He smiles down at me and I feel myself blush under his gaze.

"Well that's one way to distract me,” I say jokingly. He chuckles slightly shaking his head. 

"I've wanted to do that since I went to that dance recital of yours years ago where you danced to Yellow. You were incredible"

"But that was like 3 years--" I start saying.

"7 months, 3 weeks, and a day" he continues, interrupting me. "And I've loved you since then" he says before pressing his lips to mine again.

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