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"Leila can you run the register? We got a rush order of cupcakes that I need to start" my boss says. I nod brushing off my hands on my apron as I head out to the front. I liked working in a bakery. It smelled phenomenal and I got discounts on the food. Sometimes I'd even be allowed to take things home for free if it had been here over 2 days. A few people walk in and I take care of their orders, bagging their bread or cookies. They all leave quickly, obviously in a hurry, just stopping in for an errand. When they have all gone, I pop a gingersnap into my mouth as I turn around and start cleaning up the display behind me. I'm on my toes, reaching for the top shelf, sliding a bag of flour over when I hear the bell ring signaling someone coming in. Since I'm almost done, I decide to finish quickly before helping them, figuring they can wait 30 seconds.

"Wow, this place is amazing" I hear a voice ring out. "Look at those buns" I chuckle slightly to myself finishing the arrangement.

"Well most people wait to tell me that until at least the second date but thanks" I say turning around seeing myself looking at two boys who'd walked in. The blond one turns bright red and I figure he must have been the one to make the comment while the darker skinned one bursts into laughter.

"I didn't mean... I meant those...but you have nice...." the blond haired boy sputters embarrassed.

"It's ok, I was just kidding,” I say with a wink at the boy, watching as he flushes even redder.

"Wow Niall I don't think I've seen you that red since that one girl fla--" the darker skinned boy starts saying.

"Don't. Don't even bring that up" the blond boy who I guess was Niall says, turning even redder if that was possible. I bite my lip, holding back the laugh threatening to burst forth. The dark skinned boy glances at me giving me a wink before looking back at Niall who was now apparently extremely fascinated with the scratch marks on the counter.

"He's ignoring us now" the dark skinned boy says to me with a grin.

"To bad. I was hoping to see if he'd turn as red as the cake frosting" I say returning the smile. The boy laughs nodding his head.

"I'm Zayn by the way. This is Niall,” he says motioning to his friend.

"Leila" I say with a smile reaching over the counter and shaking his hand. "So what can I get you guys today?" I ask. This gets Niall's attention. He instantly perks up as he hurries to look at the food behind the display.

"You might as well just start packing up everything now," Zayn jokes. Niall looks over and sticks his tongue out at Zayn before starting to point out the things he wants. I hurry to keep up with his increasing list of items, much to Zayn's amusement.

"Are you feeding an army or something?" I ask frazzled as I place the bags on the counter when I finally get everything.

"That's all for him" Zayn says with a laugh and my eyes widen. "I'll take three cookies and one of those muffins,” he says motioning to the display and I quickly wrap those things up for him. They pay and Zayn hesitates for a moment.

"We better go or Liam will get worried,” Niall says and Zayn nods. They say goodbye and start walking towards the door. Right before they leave though, Zayn pauses and says something to Niall. Niall nods heading out the door while Zayn turns around and walks back up to the counter.

"Forget something?" I ask and Zayn nods his head.

"Yea, I was wondering if I could get your number. You know... in case I need some help embarrassing Niall again" he says adding the last part as a joke. I laugh and nod my head, printing off a piece of paper from the receipt machine before jotting down my number.

"Thanks" he says with a smile pocketing the paper jogging out the door after the blond boy.

Half an hour later, my friend, Bethany, runs into the store wide-eyed. "Have you heard? One Direction is in town" she squeals. I frown at her, confused.

"That's that band you like right?" I ask and she nods her head eagerly.

"Apparently they've been walking around town! Louis and Harry were spotted at the Starbucks and Liam was signing autographs outside the hotel." I frown a moment. That name sounded familiar "No one really knows where Niall and.."

"Zayn" I say my eyes widening as the names click into place.

"Yea..." she says suspiciously. "How did you know his name? I thought you didn't like them"

"Boy Beth do I have a story for you" I say with a chuckle running my fingers through my hair as I realize I'd must met two of the most popular boys in the world, one of whom asked for my number.

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