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I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't stop drumming my fingers on my desk as I look out the window of the office building I worked at. When I'd gotten the internship for this fashion company, I'd been over the moon, thinking I'd be able to work with the clients and help design the outfits. I couldn't have been further from the truth. I spent my days going on coffee runs, taking phone calls, scheduling appointments. I was essentially a secretary. At the moment my boss was in a meeting which meant I had to sit at my desk doing absolutely nothing, unless the phone rang. I glance at the clock again, wishing the minutes would pass faster. My boyfriend would be flying in tonight and I still had to get home and clean up the house.

Hands cover my eyes, blocking my vision. "Guess who," a low voice whispers in my ear. My heart starts hammering as I peel the fingers from my face and turn to see the dark haired boy behind me. I let out a shriek, launching myself out of my chair and throwing my arms around him.

"You're early!" I exclaim as I hug him. His chest rumbles as he laughs at my reaction.

"I couldn't wait so I took an earlier flight," he explains.

"What's going on?" my boss says and I freeze before reluctantly turning to see her standing in the door of the conference room. Apparently she'd heard my scream.

"I um... well... uhh...” I stammer.

"Sorry, it's my fault," Zayn says smoothly stepping forward. "I just got in and thought I'd surprise Jen at work."  I watch as my boss's eyes widen in surprise when she recognizes him. Her gaze flickers between the two of us as if she's trying to process his words.

"Of course. It's no problem," she says, her voice oozing with false sincerity. "Jennifer, if you'd told me your boyfriend was coming to visit today, you wouldn't have had to come to work at all." Yea, if I'd told you my boyfriend was famous you mean. You hadn't even let Molly off early when her fiancé who was fighting in Iraq came home on leave. I have to bite my tongue to keep from speaking my mind. "If you boys ever need anything while you're in the States, make sure you give us a call and we'll get you all fixed up." Of course she'd make a bid for their business.

"Will do," Zayn says with a friendly smile, wrapping an arm around my waist as if he could tell I wanted to leap at her and he was trying to restrain me. "Thanks again for letting her go," he says before urging me towards the exit.

When we get down the elevator and out the door he bursts out in laughter. "I thought you were going to throttle her," he says in amusement.

"She's awful," I complain. "You don't even know."

"Well I think she'll be treating you nicer from now on," he chuckles, taking my hand as we walk.

"So what do you want to do? I hadn't expected you for hours," I say to him.

"Well I was hoping we could go get something to eat. I'm starving," he says. We end up stopping at a small bistro for sandwiches and when we emerge, the sun is beginning to set.

"So what now? Do you wanna do something or head back to your place?" he asks, linking hands again.

"Let's just walk a bit," I say, thinking about how messy my place was. We'd delay the inevitable as long as possible. He nods and we start walking down the sidewalk, taking turns at random. We didn't have a destination in mind so we were just wandering. It was nice not having to rush anywhere. After a while, a building on the other side of the road catches both our attention almost simultaneously.

"So what do you think?" Zayn asks as we come to a stop.

"Well it looks clean...They'd probably do a good job." I say as I examine the place.

"Do you wanna?"

"Sure, would you want to?"

"I'm always up for more," he says with a smile. So we dart across the street and step inside the parlor.

"What can I do for you today?" the guy at the counter asks when we walk in.

"Not sure yet, we just need a minute," Zayn replies. I grin, leaning against him slightly as the guy at the counter nods and returns to whatever he's doing. Planning things was fine and all, but spontaneous adventures like this were what I lived for.

"Do you know what you want to get?" he asks quietly and I shake my head, my mind running through the options.

"What about you?"

"Well there is something...but it's up to you," he says sheepishly and I look up in confusion waiting for him to continue. "I saw this one guy's tattoo last week and by itself it didn't really make sense, but then he explained his wife had the other half. I thought maybe... if you wanted to that is..."

"That sounds perfect," I assure him with a wide smile.

"Cool," he says, his nervousness turning into a smile as I confirm I like the idea. "Theirs was pretty big, but I thought we could just do something smaller. Right here," he says, tracing a spot on my hand. I nod my head and he calls the tattoo artist over, explaining what we wanted done.  He confirms it could be done before leading us into the back. Since they're small, it doesn't take all that long to do and when it's finished, I can't help but grin as I admire the new ink.

"What do you think?" Zayn asks, taking my hand and connecting the tattoos.

"I think you're stuck with me forever now," I joke, bringing up our arms to look at it again. He chuckles, nodding his head.

"Just the way I want it," he says, leaning over to kiss me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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