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I rest my head against my hand as I lean on the counter, staring longingly out the window at the beach. "Stupid rich kids with their stupid parents and their stupid money get to spend the day outside" I grumble. I hated being stuck inside working when I could be out there on the beach or in the ocean jet skiing. The only perk was the fact that I worked at the surf shop so I got discounts on anything I needed.

"You're scheduled for the 3:00 surf lesson" my boss comments as he walks in. I nod, a smile on my face. Giving lessons was one of my favorite parts of the job. It meant I was able to be outside and actually having fun instead of cooped up in here all day watching other people by things I couldn't afford.

"How many people today?" I ask.

"Uhh" he says flipping over a piece of paper in his hand, reading down the list. "It looks like six" he says. "A honeymooning couple, a father and son, then two other boys." I nod as I think about what would work best for the group. The father and son would be the best listeners. When kids signed up with parents they were generally both on their best behavior, ready to learn. The honeymooners would pay attention but be off by themselves and wouldn't require that much attention. It was the two boys I was worried about. If they were two friends then they might just goof off the whole time and disrupt the lesson making it less fun for the other people. I'd have to keep an eye on those two. 

At around 2:30, my coworker strolls into the store, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 

"You'll never believe who's here" she gushes. I shrug slightly as I start assembling the gear for everyone's lesson. She was a major gossip and frequently would come in like this to gab about which celebrity was at the resort this time. "They are so gorgeous, I got my picture taken with them" she continues excitedly. "It's One--" she says getting cut off by our boss that comes in.

"Regan are you ready?" he asks. I nod, relieved to be given a chance to escape her incessant chatter and I hurry outside carrying the equipment with the help of my boss. I get everything set down at the edge of the shore and glance at my waterproof watch to check the time. 2:55. I look around and see a father and son standing up by the surf shop dressed in wetsuits and I guess they are the ones here for the lesson. I smile and wave, attracting their attention as I call them down to where I was. The honeymooning couple must have noticed also because a few seconds later I noticed a man and woman walking over as well. That just left the boys. I start talking to the group as we wait, explaining what we'll be doing. I look at my watch again and see it's slightly after 3. 

"Well I guess we'll just start without them huh?" I ask the group as I grab my surfboard laying it down on the sand so I can teach them how to get up on it.

"Wait! Wait we are here" two voices call and I look over and see two guys my age racing down the sand. They finally come to a stop next to us, breathing heavily. "Sorry we're late, we kind of got caught up" one of them says, flashing me a smile. I frown slightly, they were already doing what I feared, distracting the lesson. 

"Right so back to what I was saying..." I say as I proceed to show the group how to jump up onto the board. After I demonstrate, I have them all try it and I walk inbetween the boards correcting their jump or their stance. When I get to the boys, I notice that the one who had apologized for being late was actually trying quite hard to do it. The other one was being silly but there was just something about his eyes that told me it was normal for him to act like this. I look back at the first boy, studying his movements. 

"How am I doing?" he asks, his chocolate brown eyes meeting mine.

"Good" I reply with a nod. He was doing exactly what I had showed them. After the others seemed to get a handle on how to do it, I lead them out to the water. As the lesson wears on, I feel myself warming up to the two boys. There was just something about their personalities that was impossible not to like. Especially the brown-eyed one. He just acted like a giant teddy bear. I made sure not to forget about the others though, and I cheered loudly when the little boy stood up on his first wave. Eventually though, the lesson came to an end. I said goodbye to the honeymooning couple, wishing them the best, the boys, and the father and son. I started packing up the equipment to bring back inside, when I realized that the brown-eyed boy was still there.

"Do you need help?" he asks gesturing at all the boards I had to bring back to the surf shop.

"Yea thanks" I say surprised as he grabs a few boards and starts carrying them back up with me.

"That was alot of fun" he says. I smile, nodding my head. 

"You can just leave them here" I say as we get to the door of the surf shop. The would stay outside to dry in the sun and then I'd bring them in later. He nods, resting the boards against the building before looking down, shuffling his feet nervously.

"So I was wondering.." he says after a moment. "I know we might not have gotten off on the best start with us being late and all, but would you care to go for a bite?" he asks "After you're off work and all" he adds with a rush. I smile at how nervous he seemed before nodding my head.

 "Sure, that would be lovely" I say. He smiles that puppy dog smile I had noticed earlier.

 "Ok, I'll meet you back here then" he replies before jogging off down the beach after his friend. I stand there watching him leave for a moment before turning around, seeing my coworker standing there mouth wide open.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Do you know who that was?" she asks. I shake my head no.

"Why is he famous or something?" I ask jokingly waving at him when he catches up with his friend and stops to look back at me. He smiles waving back.

"That's Liam Payne"

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