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"Aww c'mon babe. Just relax, nothing's going to happen," Niall says, trying to soothe my anxieties. They'd begun filming their newest music video and I was nervous about it. Our relationship was still new and I kept expecting him to find someone better. And what better place than one of the models on the music video set? 

"I know," I say with a sigh, the nervousness not fading in the least. "I just... the girls you guys always bring on set are so gorgeous. I'm nothing compared to them." The corner of his mouth quirks up in some sort of inside joke as he pulls me into a hug. They'd been keeping the whole video strictly confidential so you didn't really know what was going on, but you'd been given a preview of the song so you knew it was about a girl.

"Come with me to the set," he says suddenly, pulling back but keeping his hands around my waist. "Let me prove to you that you'll be the prettiest girl there." I nod my head in surprise. It's not every day you're invited along to a music video set after all. He smiles widely, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before pulling out his phone and walking a short distance away to call the team and let them know I was coming also.

The next morning, Niall leaves for the set super early. He'd told me the night before that make-up was going to take ages so I didn't need to come in until later. A part of me worried that he was just telling me that and they'd film the scenes with the girls early on and by the time I got there they'd be gone, but he assured me that I'd understand the next day. Even still, I make sure I get there 15 minutes early, just in case. When I get to the address he'd given me, security takes me in and leads me to a dressing room. Followed by a quick knock and a "Come in", the guy nods for me to go on in. Inside, I see the back of an overweight man's head as he sits at a chair, getting styled by one of the attendants.

"Hey, you're early," he says with a distinct Irish accent, looking at me through the mirror and my eyes widen in surprise as I realize its Niall. I should've known. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere.

"What are you wearing?" I ask with a laugh, walking over as the lady finishes up and he spins his chair to face me.

"It's for the shoot. You'll see in a bit," he promises with a grin.

"Are you all like..." I trail off, giving him the once over before looking back in his eyes and raising an eyebrow. He laughs, giving me a wink.

"You'll have to see."

We walk out to the set and on the way there, a bright blonde in a pink headband catches my eye.

"Liam?" I ask with a surprise laugh.

"Hey babe, you alright?" he asks with a grin.

"I just... what is going on with this video?"

He chuckles, shaking his head.  "We're just having fun with it. You'll see."

"Oh god, I'm almost afraid to see everyone else." I joke. He chuckles and I look back over at Niall who shrugs his shoulders with a grin. When we get to the set, I look around and see mostly camera men and an office setting. So far so good with the no girls thing. My eyes finally land on the catering table in the far corner. There was definitely a girl over there. She was super tall, especially in the heels, but skinny with long brown hair. Niall must've seen me looking at her because he chuckles, his hand slipping over my shoulders.

"That's Veronica," he says, amusement lacing his voice. "Hey Veronica!" he shouts, trying to get her attention as I try to shush him. I really didn't want to meet the models on set. "Veronica!" he repeats when she doesn't hear him. She finally jumps and looks around before seeing us and she begins to walk over. There was something off about her walk, but I can't quite tell what it is. Maybe that's how models always walk? As they get closer though, and I can make out her features, I realize I was wrong. No way.

"Hey Leona," a deep voice says and I stare at the man-woman in front of me with an open mouth.

"Leona, meet Veronica," Niall says, doing his best to prevent a fit of laughter.

"What the hell Zayn? Why are you dressed as a girl?" I blurt out and that's all it takes to tip Niall over the edge as he bursts out laughing, doubled over his larger than normal stomach in his fit.

"Trust me, if I knew, I'd have found some way to get out of it," he says half with amusement half complete seriousness.

"Boys, on set," the director calls and after a quick goodbye Liam and Zayn head off and a very nerdy Harry and another large man appears on the set.

"Told you," Niall says, turning to me with a smirk.

"Well I dunno... Zayn was pretty good-looking..." I trail off in a joke. Niall chuckles and shakes his head.

"Maybe," he admits. "But not as beautiful as you. I'll see ya in a bit," he says, pressing a kiss to my cheek, my nose crinkling at the unfamiliar whiskers, before he jogs off to make what had to be the weirdest music video ever.

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