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At the beach with my BFF! I send the tweet, snapping my phone closed as I lean back against Louis. I smile up at him as he looks down, playing absentmindedly with my hair. To any onlooker, it would look like we were dating, but we weren't. Not from lack of wanting to. At least on my part. Dating Louis would be a dream come true for me, but ever since I met him, I'd been friend zoned. Most likely because when we met, he was still dating Eleanor. Despite that, we had continued talking and now he was my best friend. The first person I'd tell anything to. Today the two of us were hanging out at the beach while he was on break from touring.

"Louis?" I ask after a moment.

"Yea babe?" he asks and I feel the familiar flip of my stomach. I knew he called everyone that but it still felt special when he called me that.

"Why did you and Eleanor break up?" I ask. Despite being so close, he'd always avoided the subject of them two and what had happened that had ended their relationship. All that he'd told me was that he had been the one to end it but it wasn't anything she'd done. His refusal to tell me left me confused and slightly hurt that he didn't trust me enough to tell me. I feel him tense up behind me as I bring up the taboo topic.

"I didn't feel the same way anymore and it wasn't fair to her" he says cautiously. I nod, storing the information in my head, trying to analyze his words for a deeper meaning. I knew they had been more distant at the end and maybe that was the reason why?

"C'mon, lets go for a swim" I say with a smile, trying to change the subject away from the uncomfortable atmosphere I'd created. I jump up, in the process spraying sand on him.

"Hey" he says with a laugh as he attempts to grab me. I jump out of his reach as I run to the water with a laugh. I stagger forward as a weight is suddenly on my back. With a laugh, I realize Louis had jumped on my back and I was now giving him a piggyback ride.

"You're heavy" I say with a laugh as I stagger forward a few steps to try keep my balance. I manage to get to the water before Louis's weight causes me to fall. I break the surface of the water, shaking my head causing water to fly off as I look around for Louis. I see him a foot or two away, a mischievous look in his eye. "Oh no" I say shaking my head, stumbling backwards in the water. I knew that look. "Louis" I warn as he starts advancing as I continue backing up. "No" I cry with a laugh as I turn on my heels taking off running, as best as I can in water, towards the shore. It's no use. He catches me and tackles me to the ground a few feet onto the shore. "No stop Louis" I cry as I try to squirm out of his grasp as he begins tickling me. "Louis" I laugh. He laughs, tickling me, watching as I try to squirm away. "Can't breathe,” I finally gasp and he stops. I take a deep gulp of breath, trying to get my breathing back to normal as I slowly become aware of the position we were in. I looked up at him as he was propped up on his hands, hovering above me. A nervous look flashes across his expression and he takes a deep breath.

"You know how I said El and I broke up because I didn't feel the same?" he asks, looking down at me. I nod my head, the butterflies flocking back as I meet his blue eyes. "It was because I'd fallen in love with someone else" he says.

"Who?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"You" he replies closing the distance between our lips breaking the bonds of friendship, crossing into something more.

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