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Some call it destiny, others call it fate. I just called it chance. That’s really the only way to explain how we had met.

“I can’t believe you dragged me all the way for a stupid toy” my friend groaned, crossing her arms over her chest. I pause walking just long enough to look at her and stick my tongue out.

“It’s not just a toy,” I repeated, having said that at least 10 times now. “It’s like the coolest water gun ever. It’s massive!” My voice surged with excitement. “And besides, you said you needed to find a present for Mark’s birthday anyway” I added, referencing her younger brother.

“And I thought you’d help me pick out a toy at Target, not drag me an hour away to some top notch toy store” she grumbled.

“Deal with it” I grinned as we finally get to the right aisle.

“How bout this one?” she had said, picking up some pathetic excuse for a water gun.

“WHAT?! NO”  I had raged loud enough for the whole store to hear, forcing her to set it back down.

“Ok, ok” she said hurriedly, trying to placate me. My smile returns as I turn back to the shelf, perusing the selection. She sighed, and I heard her foot begin tapping, letting me know she was bored.

“Go look in the movies section” I finally said with a sigh, shooing her away. “I’ll take care of the water gun”. She smiled and skipped away, happy not to have to spend time looking at water guns. I shook my head, people didn’t seem to understand my fascination with kids toys. Not even I could explain it. My eyes returned to the endless rack of water guns. No, no. no, I thought as I go down the shelf. A lot of these were just plain horrible. Like honestly, that would hold maybe one squirt of water. Yes, I thought with a grin, when my eyes settled on the perfect one. The Nerf Super Soaker Lightening Storm. I grabbed it, a grin on my face. Looking at the price though, I realized that my friend wasn’t going to want to pay this much for it so I grabbed a smaller, but still good gun for her brother that was more in the price range. I was keeping the Lightening Storm one.

“Ohh” I heard a voice moan behind me. I turned and saw a hooded figure standing where I had been just moments before when I got my water gun. I had gotten the last one. I grinned.

“Sorry bud” I had said, startling the person. He turned to look at me and I saw his eyes land on my water gun. “The early bird gets the worm.” He paused for a second before his eyes left the gun and met my eyes. I saw a childish gleam reflected in them.

“I’ll fight you for it” he had said with a smile. I noticed a british accent which was weird since we were in the middle of nowhere, USA

“What?” I asked confused, half worried that this random british guy was just going to attack me and steal my gun.

“Hang on” he said quickly, before rushing out the aisle. I stood there for a second, trying to decide if I should take my gun and run before he got back. I didn’t want to get mauled by some random stranger. Right as I had decided to go grab my friend and leave, he returned, two foam swords in hand. A smile broke out on my face as I realized his intentions.

“Here” he said handing me one.

“On the count of three?” I asked dropping my guns to the side and taking my stance. He nodded, a childish smile on his face, eyes alight with excitement, as he mirrored my stance.”

“1” I started

“2” he replied

“3” we yelled in sync before locking swords and proceeding to have the most epic sword fight ever. I finally got a good stab into his stomach, my eyes widened slightly at how the sword had bent so easily on his stomach. He must be ripped, I remember thinking to myself as he let out a dramatic gasp, dropping his own sword. His hands flew to his stomach.

“I’ve been hit,” he said dramatically, stumbling around before falling to his knees.

“Oh the pain” he cried out. “I can see the light.” He reached out his arm before falling on his back, his hands settling on his stomach. I bit back a laugh as I had knelt down next to him.

“What have I done” I replied dramatically grasping his hand. He peeked open his eyes, biting back a smile.

“To infinity and beyond” he murmured before completely going limp, his head falling to the side as he pretends to die.

“Aaliyah look what I fo-- my friend had said interrupting our dramatic death scene as she walked into the aisle holding some movie. She froze seeing the two of us standing there, her eyes going wide. The two of us scrambled up and I looked at Aaliyah, a sheepish grin on my face having been caught doing something so stupid. I expected her to start lecturing me about the stupidness of our play fight but her eyes were focused on the boy next to me.

“You’re Liam Payne” she squealed. The boy beside me winced slightly before nodding his head, his eyes locked on the movie in her hand. One Direction, Up all Night. I read.

“Is that a movie about that one band you like?” I asked her, she completely ignored me though.

“Will you sign it please?” she asked rushing over to the two of us. He sighed, signing the dvd before turning to me.

“I’ve got to go now, but I’d really like to see you again” he said. I nodded my head, still extremely confused as to what had gone on. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, quickly writing something down and handing it to me. “Call me” he said before hurrying out of the store.

I later found out who exactly he was but it didn’t matter to me. He would always be the boy I fought with in the toy store.

“Liam Payne, do you take Aaliyah to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, until death do you part?” The minister asks.

“To infinity and beyond” 

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