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I pull my knees up to my chest as I look out across the field, letting my mind wander. I came out here when I needed time to think. It had been Liam and I’s special place before he’d gone off to the X-Factor. My mind pauses on Liam when he pops up in my thoughts. Liam was supposed to be coming back for a break sometime this week. He couldn’t say exactly when because they didn’t want it to leak and have fans waiting at his house. I feel the familiar tug on my heart when his face appears in my mind. We’d been friends forever but I suppose the old saying is that a boy and a girl can’t be just friends was true. Sooner or later I’d fallen for my best friend. I’d fallen hard. Then he went off to X-Factor and when I finally had gathered the courage to tell him how I felt, it was too late. He’d skyped me that night and told me all about this dancer he met. Danielle. And the worst part was I couldn’t even hate her. How could I deny Liam his happiness? I squeeze my knees tighter to my chest, a shiver running through me as a cool breeze blows my hair around. I squint my eyes when I see a blurry shape emerging a distance away. When the figure comes into view a smile breaks out onto my face and I’m on my feet running towards it.

“Liam!” I shout launching myself at the boy. He drops the bag he’s holding with a laugh, opening his arms and catching me as I throw my arms around him, hugging him. I rest my head on his chest, breathing in his familiar scent, letting my eyes close for a moment.

“Thought you might be here” he chuckles before I step back. “I checked the toy store but they said you weren’t working today”

“You bought something even though I wasn’t working today?” I gasp jokingly, seeing the familiar logo on the bag by his feet. He glances down before looking back up at me with a grin.

“It’s for you. A present” he says with a smile, his eyes glowing.

“Oh what is it?” I squeal, plopping back down onto the grass, pulling the bag to me. He chuckles and sits down next to me as I pull out the tissue paper, unearthing the toy at the bottom. As soon as I realize what it is I scream, chucking it away from me.

“You jerk” I shout pushing him, as he catches my hands with a laugh. “You know the blue thing from the In the Night Garden scares the crap out of me” I shout. Liam just continues laughing, tears forming in his eyes from laughing too hard.

“Your face” he gasps, as the laughter subsides. I narrow my eyes glaring at him. “Aww don’t be like that” he says giving me his puppy dog face when he’s done laughing at my expense. Any remnant of anger is gone with that face and I give him a small smile which he returns. We are silent for a moment as I look up into those chocolate brown eyes of his before I realize he was still holding my hands. He seems to realize this also and his face colors before he drops them quickly.

“So Dani and I broke up” he says leaning back on his elbows, his gaze sliding across the field. I pull my legs up to chest again glancing over at him to see a carefully blank expression on his face. “Really?” I say, trying my best to keep my tone neutral.

“Yup” he says popping the p. He glances over at me and I quickly avert my gaze back over the field. I wanted to know why but I didn’t want to press him for information. I knew he got enough of that from interviewers.

“Are you ok?” I ask figuring that was an acceptable thing to ask. He nods his head.

“Yea. I was actually the one to end it.” He explains looking back off into the distance. I can’t help but raise an eyebrow looking back over at him when he says that, more questions pressing to come out. “It just wasn’t working out” he adds. I nod my head, looking away again. A moment of silence lapses between us, neither of us feeling the need to speak.

“So you going to find yourself a new celebrity girlfriend? I hear Leona Lewis is single” I say jokingly, looking over at him. Liam lets out a bark of laughter before shaking his head.

“I don’t want a famous girlfriend. Lou had the right idea with a normal girl. And I’ve seen how much drama Harry has with dating celebrities and the drama Zayn and Perrie have with people thinking it’s for publicity. I don’t want anything like that” he says.

“Oooh I’m sure your fans will love that” I tease. “They’ll all be clamoring for dates.” Liam chuckles again.

“There’s only one girl I’d want to date and she isn’t going to be waiting hours in line at a signing” he says. My eyes widen as his words sink in.

“There’s already someone you want to date?” I blurt out before I can stop myself. Liam’s face colors and I realize he hadn’t been thinking when he’d said that in the first place.

“Erm well… er… yea” he says.

“Who?” I ask as my mind races over the possibilities. Someone not famous who wouldn’t wait in line for the boys. Was it someone Harry had introduced him to? He liked to play matchmaker for the boys so that was a possibility. Maybe one of Eleanor’s friends?

“Well er… I don’t..” he says, his face beet red.

“Will you at least tell me about her?” I ask. “You don’t have to tell me her name if you don’t want to.” He nods his head, the red fading slightly as he takes a breath.

“Well she’s absolutely gorgeous, with these blue eyes that would put the ocean to shame. She’s quiet around people she doesn’t know well but when you get to know her… I could tell her anything. She’s so selfless. She’d do anything to make someone happy, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. And she’s really smart and…” he says a smile on his face as his eyes unfocus thinking about this girl. My heart drops and I look down at my hands, playing with the grass by my feet.

“She sounds perfect” I interrupt. I didn’t want to hear anymore about this girl who had obviously already captured his heart.

“She is” he agrees and I can feel the lump form in my throat. “And the thing is, she doesn’t even realize it.”

“You should tell her” I say softly. I feel Liam’s eyes on me and I look up seeing they had refocused and he was searching my face.

“What if she doesn’t feel the same?” he asks quietly. I give him a half smile.

“Li you’re perfect. Any girl would be lucky to have you. Not only do you sing like an angel but you are the sweetest guy I know.” I force myself to say, even though I know it will just lead to him getting a new girlfriend, leaving me behind again.

“But what if she just thinks of me as a friend?” he asks

“Then she’s stupid” I say bluntly looking him square in the eyes for a second before looking back down at the grass in my fingers.

“Clar?” he asks.

“Hm?” I respond, not daring to look up. He’d always been good at reading my expression. I didn’t want him to see I was upset about all this.

“Are you stupid?” he asks softly.

“What?” I ask, my head jerking up in confusion, seeing his face flaming red again. He looks down, not responding as it dawns on me why he asked that.

“Li.. the girl you like… it’s not me is it?” I ask hesitantly watching as the redness spreads to his ears until his entire head is the color of a tomato.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… We’re just friends… Stupid idea” he starts stammering, grabbing the bag and stuffing the paper back in and standing up as if to leave.

“Li wait” I say grabbing his wrist to stop him from moving, hauling myself to my feet. I feel my heart hammering in my chest as he turns back to face me. Before I give myself time to chicken out, I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my lips to his. He responds almost instantly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him. Finally I pull back, resting my forehead against his.

“I’ve liked you for years dummy” I say with a grin

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he asks

“I was going to but then…” I say trailing off.

“Danielle?” he guesses and my silence confirms it. “The only reason I asked out Dani was because I thought I never stood a chance with you. It’s always been you Clar-bear” he says before pressing his lips to mine once again.

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