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"C'mon Harry! Let’s go on Space Mountain next!" I say excitedly, looking up at the mountain a little ways off as we get off the ride.

"Erm... Can we take a break first?" he asks. I look over to see him looking slightly green and I can't help but to grin. I still didn't understand why he had taken me here when he was disliked roller-coasters so much.

"Yea ok" I agree, not wanting him to throw up on our first date. "We can go look for some of the Disney characters." A look of relief washes over his face and he breaks into a smile, taking my hand as we walk down the path.

Over the next half hour, we manage to find Merida, Flynn Rider, Sleeping Beauty, and Sulley. I'm not sure who was more excited for the pictures, me or the costumed character that just got to meet Harry Styles. Sleeping Beauty especially seemed like she had been about ready to pass out for another 100 year nap when she recognized him. Yet we still hadn't met the one character I was dying to meet. I'd heard stories about him from friends who'd gone and I was determined to meet him for myself to see if he was as incredible as they'd described.

"There he is!" I shout, pointing into the distance as a crowd surrounds a solitary figure who was prancing around amusing the children. Harry chuckles in amusement as I pull him over. We wait for the crowd to thin until there are only a handful of us standing around him. I watch as he finishes talking to whomever he's talking to, taking a picture with the little girl before they leave.  He waves goodbye before turning to the remaining crowd to find his next target. His eyes land on Harry and he breaks into a smile.

"Hi I'm Peter" he says, coming to a stop in front of us. "But you can call me Pan, or Anton McGee. Or Captain Awesome. Just not Hook. Actually, you better just call me Peter" I let out a laugh at his quick talking.

"I'm Elisabeth" I say with a smile, "And this is Harry"

"Hi Elisabeth" he says enthusiastically. "Your hair is really high. Did Tink put some pixie dust in it? It must be flying to get that high" he says to Harry, pulling at a few strands of his hair. Harry laughs, shaking his hair out in his signature swoop. "You must think a lot of happy thoughts to get it that high" he continues before turning back to me "You remind me of Wendy. She's my mother. Are you his mother?" he asks with an impish smile.

"Nooo" I say quickly laughing, looking up at the boy beside me who grins and takes my hand in his oversized one.

"Be careful" Peter warns with mock seriousness. "She might try to trick you with a thimble" Harry lets out a bark of laughter, shooting me an amused look.

"You know what Peter, I'm actually ok with that," he says, keeping his eyes on me.

"Psh... gonna make you grow up" he scoffs under his breath, but purposely loud enough for us to hear, as he moves on to the next group, but when I glance over at him I can see the smirk he's trying to hide as he glances over.

"So.... about that thimble..." Harry asks cheekily, his hands sliding around my waist and tugging me closer. I laugh, but rise on my toes as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"Mmm I'll take that over Neverland any day" he says with a smile when he pulls back. I giggle, nodding my head in agreement as I step out of his arms, taking his hand again.

"C'mon, time to go on Space Mountain" I tease, pulling him towards the tall ride yet again.

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