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"Harry when are the boys coming over?" I quizzed him. He sighs and I glance over at my brother just in time to see him roll his eyes at me.

"If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you aren't getting with Zayn" he says. "I've already forbidden them from dating you." I laugh shaking my head, not bothering to deny the fact that I'd asked him that was because I wanted to know when Zayn would be here. Ever since Harry had come home from boot camp with the rest of One Direction, I'd had a crush on Zayn. Me being the naive sister that I was, thought I had a nice brother, and had asked Harry to put in a good word for me. Nope. He'd forbidden me from talking to them, and then had proceeded to warn all the boys that they weren't allowed to date me. Can you say overprotective? Much to his annoyance though, I had talked to them and they had seemed to accept me as a friend. 

The doorbell rings "I got it" I yell, flying out of my room and down the stairs before Harry could even sit up off my bed. "Hey" I say with a grin as I fling open the door, seeing the boys standing in front of me, my eyes settling on Zayn.

"Hello" they say almost in perfect unison, as I step aside to let them in.

"Hey" Harry says, finally coming down the stairs. I wrench my gaze away from Zayn as everyone else turned their attention to him also. A prickling on my neck told me that someone was watching me though and I cast a glance over my shoulder, seeing that Zayn was still watching me. "C'mon, the grill is set up out back" Harry says jerking his head towards the back door. The boys follow Harry through the house to the backyard where the BBQ they had planned was all set up. Harry raises an eyebrow at me as I start following them out also. "Don't you have some football game to watch" he says, putting on an American accent when he says football, mocking the fact I like American football instead of regular football. I stick out my tongue at him, but he was right I realize as I glance at the clock. I hurry back inside, sprawling onto the couch and flick on the TV to the Patriots vs Giants game. Just in time for kickoff, I grin in satisfaction. About three quarters of the way through the game, I hear the back door slide open and footsteps approach. I glance up then back at the TV, doing a double take when I realize it's Zayn.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" I ask sitting up and sliding over as he takes a seat on the couch next to me. 

"Thought you might be hungry,” he says handing me a plate loaded with food. I smile, my heart fluttering, touched that he had thought of me.

"Thanks" I say with a smile taking a bite from the burger as my attention turns back to the tv. Zayn stays seated next to me, as he turns to watch the tv also. After a few minutes though, he sighs, shaking his head. 

"I don't understand this at all. Why do they call it football? They barely even kick the ball." he says.  I giggle, nodding my head. But couldn't come up with any explanation. I'd never understood why they called it that either.

"C'mon, c'mon" I say a surge of adrenaline rushing through me as the patriots break away from the giants, running the ball down the field for a touchdown. "Yes!" I yell throwing my arms around the Bradford boy as the clock runs out, leaving the patriots ahead by 2. Zayn laughs wrapping his arms around me, hugging me back. When I realize what I'd done, I blush and pull back. Instead of letting go though, Zayn's hand trails down my arm, reaching my hand and interlocking our fingers. I smile looking down at our hands before looking up at him, our eyes locking.

"What's going on in here?" a voice says, causing me to jump as I look over at the door, seeing the other boys standing there. Liam and Niall were standing there watching curiously while Louis was grinning mischievously and Harry just looked mad, his eyes locked on Zayn and I's connected hands.

"Oh come on Harry, you knew it was going to happen eventually" Louis says.

"Yea, even I picked up on it" Niall pipes up glancing away from Zayn and I at Harry.

"But she's my sister" Harry protested "I forbid it like a year ago"

"Harry, I don't think that's something you can forbid" Liam replies calmly. Harry sighs exasperatedly, shaking his head of curls.

"Fine Malik, but if you hurt her, I'm going to kick your ass" he says, pulling the protective brother routine, causing me to smile. Zayn grins, nodding his head as Harry turns around, walking out the door. The other boys follow after him, Louis casting a glance over his shoulder, winking at us.

"What just happened?" I ask with a laugh. Zayn echoes my laugh, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, but I think I was just given permission to do this" he says with a grin, leaning over and pressing his lips to mine.

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