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I survey the collection for the twentieth time, making sure everything was perfect. Not a wrinkle or a loose thread on any of the racks. I'd been lucky to get the internship in the first place, I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Especially with how high profile my employer's clients were. Honestly, the clothes on the racks didn't look high fashion, which is what I'd hoped to work with. It mostly consisted of jeans, tank tops, and t-shirts. There were a few pieces that looked like they'd be worn to more prominent events, but for the most part they looked like clothes the everyday person would wear. I knew this wasn't true though, having seen the quality of the clothes that were used to make them and the attention given to each piece. This one rack of clothes in front of me probably cost more than my car. I look up as I hear the bell on the door ring to see my boss walk in.

"Everything in order?" she asks when she sees me examining the clothing. "Good," she says when I give a nod of my head. "They will be here in a couple minutes. I expect you to maintain a level of professionalism while they're here. I'll need you if something needs to be taken in or let out a bit." I give another nod of my head and she heads into her office. I knew she dealt with celebrities, I'd seen some of the clients before, but still it was necessary to maintain your composure despite being star struck. I gulp as I look at the names on the top of each of the 5 racks. I was about to see some of the biggest stars in the industry. The bell rings again and in walks a lady with silvery purple hair and I recognize her almost immediately. 

"Hi, Lou right?" I ask approaching her with a smile. She quickly returns it with a nod of her head. 

"And you're Tylie right?" she asks. "I've heard a lot about you. Joan says you have a lot of potential." I freeze a moment in shock. Not only did she know who I was, but my boss said I had potential? I quickly regain my composure and nod my head. 

"She's in the back, I'll go--"

"No need," Joan says with a smile, emerging from her office. "It's been such a long time. How are you darling? Where are the boys?" she asks, hugging Lou.

"I've been alright. They'll be right in. You know how they are," she says with a wry smile. As she says it the bell rings again, but you can barely hear it over the laughter as the boys enter. I try to swallow my nerves and put on the cool act of professionalism as they walk over but it's difficult. They're even better looking in person.

"Boys, you remember Joan. And this is her intern Tylie. I expect you to be on your best behavior. Got it?" Lou warns as they finally fall quiet. "Ok, get to it," she says when they nod. They move off to their own racks and it's everything I can do not to watch as shirts start coming off.

"They're pretty good about doing what they're told so don't be afraid to tell them they're doing something wrong," Lou tells me. "Also, they can be super intrusive about your personal life so don't be afraid to slap them." I can't help the laugh that slips out. "There we go," she says with a smile. "Just relax. They're normal guys. They don't bite I promise." I nod, looking back over at them and see that most of them have their first outfit on.

"Tylie, why don't you take Harry? He's generally fairly simple. Lou you want Zayn and Louis? Then I can take care of Niall and Liam." Joan says eyeing the boys as they tug on the ends of their shirts or move their legs around in the new pants. The three of us split up, each going to our station. When I get in front of Harry, I'm practically craning my neck to look at him. He was a lot taller than I'd expected. Maybe if I was a normal height, it'd be alright, but I was definitely on the short side. This might be difficult.

"Hello love, Tylie right?" he asks, holding his arms out to the side as I smooth the sleeves to check the fit at the shoulders. "How old are you Tylie?" he asks when I nod my head.

"19," I say as I kneel down to check the hem length of the pants.

"That's kind of young isn't it?"

I nod my head as I straighten up. "Joan is a family friend. She promised me that if I went to school for fashion, she'd have a summer internship ready for me whenever I wanted it. Now bend over so I can check the collar." He chuckles, bending at the waist with his hands behind his back until he's at eye level.

"You're pretty short aren't you," he jokes.

"No, I'm just not freakishly tall like you," I retort. Lou was right. They really are just like normal guys. I hear someone else laugh, and briefly glance over to see Lou and Louis watching us in amusement.

"Tylie why don't you come here and finish with Louis. I'll take the freakishly tall guy," Lou says with a laugh as the two boys begin switching to their second outfits. I quickly agree and switch places with her. It was a lot easier to work with someone who was at least a little closer to my height. Just like Lou had said and Harry had done, Louis starts asking questions about my life. Where did I go to school? What got me into fashion? Did I have any siblings? By the time we were finished, I was completely at ease with these guys.

"That's it," I say at last, taking a step back so he could take off the suit jacket that I'd need to alter later.

"Cool, thanks babe," he says, handing it to me before starting to change back into his original clothes. I look away as he does so, checking to see who else was done. Harry, Niall, and Liam were talking with Joan while Lou was doing some finishing touches on Zayn's outfit.

"So where are we going this time?" Harry asks as Louis walks over and I finish cleaning up my area.

"I dunno, I was thinking the new restaurant that opened up the street. You said it was good right Tylie?" Joan asks, directing the last half of her statement over to me.

"Hm?" I ask, taking a second to process that she was talking to me. "Oh yea, I went there with my parents last week. It was fantastic."

"Great, that's settled then," Liam says with a grin. Lou finishes with Zayn and the two of them head over to the group to discuss their dinner plans.

"How do you want to get there? Do you want to walk? It's only a block. Or do you think you might be mobbed?" Joan asks the boys.

"I think we'd be fine walking," Harry says cautiously. "If that's alright with everyone else,"

"What do you think Tylie?" Lou calls, causing me to stumble to a stop in surprise. 


"Do you mind walking?"

"Oh I- I didn't realize I was invited," I say stumbling over my words.

"Of course you are," Joan says with a laugh. "The boys always treat us to dinner after we fix up their concert clothes."

"Oh," I say dumbly, frozen under their amused gazes. "Ok, well I just need to get my stuff from the back then," I say gesturing over my shoulder to the back room.

"Ok, hurry though. Boys are you ready to go?" Joan asks and everyone snaps into motion, gathering the things they brought with. I head into the back room and dump the spare safety pins and measuring tape I had used and make a quick bathroom stop before grabbing my bag. 

"Ok I'm rea--" I start saying as I emerge to a silent room. A feeling of panic sets over me as my eyes scan around the room. They'd left without me. A crushing feeling of abandonment settles over me.

"Bout time, thought I was gonna have to come looking for you," a voice says with amusement, causing me to jump. I spin on my heels to see Louis waiting next to the door, having been shielded from view when I'd swung it open. A feeling of relief settles over me. I hadn't been left after all.

"You were taking a while so I told them to go on ahead and get a table. Said I'd walk with you," he continues.

"I thought you guys forgot about me," I breathe in relief. Being forgotten was one of my biggest fears. He chuckles shaking his head.

"Now how could anyone forget you?" he asks raising an eyebrow with a smile. "Now are you coming or what?" he asks, offering me his hand.

"Yea," I say a smile flooding my face. "Let’s go."

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