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The thing about Niall is he's one of the most carefree people in the world. It's one of the things I loved most about him and yet at the same time absolutely hated about him. It often led to him cutting dates short or canceling completely because he'd accidentally double-booked or even triple-booked plans for the night. Like once once we'd had plans to hang out with a couple of my friends from school, but he'd forgotten the Mullingar lads were in town and he'd already agreed to a lads' night out with them. Or the time when we were having a lazy day around the house, spending time together and Louis had texted him about some football match and Niall had practically sprinted out the door to go meet up with him, barely even remembering to say goodbye. Granted, some times it worked in my favor, like when he decided we should take a spur-of-the-moment trip to the Oregon coast because it was one of my favorite places in the world and as he said, "Why not?" or the time I came home to a pyramid of books as tall as I am because he'd stumbled on a second-hand store and decided to buy all the books just for the craic and because he knew it would make me laugh. That was pretty much Niall in a nutshell. He wasn't a hopeless romantic like I was and I don't think he even realized that it upset me when he cancelled our plans.

Even still, I hadn't expected the complete lack of fanfare about today. When I'd woken up this morning, he'd presented me with a flower and wished me a happy birthday, before giving me a kiss on the cheek and telling me he was off to Liam's for the afternoon and that he hoped I had a good day. I was in a state of shock and it didn't even hit me that he'd just abandoned me on my birthday until he was already out the door. No mention of plans. No birthday dinner. Nothing. I tossed the flower onto the counter, discarding it in disappointment as I trudged back up to my room. What was I supposed to do now? My family was all back in America so it wasn't like I could even go visit them for the day. I was all alone on my birthday. I end up calling my sister Kali and begin ranting about the situation I was stuck in.

"Aww hun, I'm sorry," she says sympathetically. "Why don't you go to that spa you like? You know, the one with the mud baths big enough to swim laps in? Charge it to his card because he so owes you for ditching you today." I can't help the small smile that appears on my face. She was right. I couldn't just stay here moping all day. After I say goodbye, I do as she says and head over to the spa and spend the afternoon getting a massage and being spoiled by a bunch of attendants.  This was the life.

When I finally left, I was completely refreshed. Despite the disappointment from this morning and the fact my boyfriend was spending my birthday with his friends instead of me, I was feeling relatively happy. I decide to head to the shops to continue my good mood instead of returning home to the boring old house. Mostly I just window shop, but every once in a while, I'd spy something I just had to have. And despite what people might think, I pay for the things I buy with my own money. Fans of theirs thought that the boys would pay for everything their girlfriends want, but for the most part we'd get things our own. I wasn't the type who'd ever want to be dependant on anyone for anything. As dinner time rolls around, I find myself checking my phone on a regular basis to see if Niall had called or texted with plans for dinner. I couldn't believe he'd actually spent the day with his friends instead of me. It would honestly have been better if he'd completely forgot it was my birthday instead of remembering but not caring enough to hang around. I was pissed. It took every ounce of self control I had not to call him and yell at him for this. I end up stopping at the food court for dinner and I'm about half way through with my burger when I finally hear from Niall.

"Hey babe, the lads want to go out to a pub tonight and Louis invited Eleanor so I was calling to see if you wanted to come also." he chirps when I answer the phone, unaware of how angry I was with him. Great, I was only getting invited because Louis cared enough about his girlfriend to invite her along also.

"I really don't feel like going out tonight Niall," I say frustratedly, hoping he'd get the hint. "I was hoping we could just stay in, just the two of us."

"Aww c'mon love. Please? I already told them you'd be up for it. It'll be a craic, I promise," he pleads.

"Fine" I grit, still not wanting to go.

"Great! We're going to the King's Head at 8. I'll see you there," he replies happily before hanging up. He wasn't even going to pick me up? Are you kidding me? I swallow my frustration, reminding myself that this was Niall and I already knew that. He probably didn't even realize that this would be upsetting me and if I just told him, he'd feel bad and agree to stay home. Yet, despite my frustration, I didn't want to be the one to spoil his night because that's the kind of person he is. No matter how frustrated you might get, he had this persona you just didn't want to upset. Which is why, despite my own grumbling, I found myself parked outside King's Head at 8. From the parking lot, it looked like the place was packed and I briefly wondered if maybe fans or paparazzi had found out the boys were here so they'd come, but there didn't appear to be a crowd outside. I pull my phone out as I get out of the car and diall his number.

"Hey, I'm here, the place looks packed. Where are you guys sitting?" I ask when he answers.

"Great! C'mon in babe, you'll see us right away," he replies and I let out a long sigh, knowing it was too late to back out now as I open the door. The sight in front of me causes me to drop my phone.

"Surprise!" the crowd yells and my eyes sweep over everyone in shock. Everyone I knew was here. The boys, my friends, even my family from America.

"Happy Birthday!" Kali squeals, running up to me and hugging me. I was still in shock, looking past her at the party all set up. "Were you surprised?" she asks with a grin. I nod dumbly as Niall approaches with a wide smile. "Niall here planned it all. We got here last night. Spent all day settting up. He even had the Sweet Tooth Fairy ship those gluten free cupcakes you love." I turn my attention back to him as he stands there, his hands in his pockets with a wide grin.

"You did all this?" I ask and he nods his head.

"You didn't really think I'd leave yeh did you?" he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me as he pulls me into a hug, his head going to the crook of my neck like he does when he hugs someone. "I know I cancel plans a lot and you're really great about it. But I wouldn't do that to you on your birthday. I love you princess,"


Happy birthday hun :) 

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