Leaf Pile

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I, Naomi Lorraine sat down on one of the chairs in the living room. "Why'd you guys want to come over anyways?"

Bennett, Jordan, and Declan sat on the couch opposite of me. "We were bored."

"Maybe they can help you do your chores!" Shouted my mom from in the kitchen.

I frowned. "Why are you listening in our conversation mom?" I shouted.


Wow. Well I did have chores... Maybe I could make them help. "You could help me rake leaves..." I said hopefully.

Jordan groaned. "Noooo! I'm allergic to chores!"

"Ha ha ha. It's not funny." I said plainly.

"Fineeeee." They all stood up and we went out the back door.

I breathed in the fresh autumn air and watched a slight breeze blow some leaves off the tree. "Okay. First job, rake leaves."

"Ugh." Jordan frowned. "Wait," He smiled "can we make a leaf pile?"

I sighed. Jordan will be Jordan. Now it was my turn to say "Fineeee."

So we got to work. I went into the garage and looked for 4 rakes. It's harder than it sounds. I knew we only owned, if I was lucky, two but I looked anyways.

As soon as I found one I tossed it out of the dark corner it was hiding in and onto the driveway. A spider crawled off of it but I let it live. I'm nice that way.

Anyways, I found one more but then I was stuck. I got an idea.

"Hey guys!" I walked around the corner of the house with a smirk. "I could only find two so if you want to make a leaf pile you'll have to make it yourselves." I tossed a rake to Jordan who frowned.

"But I want help..." He complained before smiling. "But I'll bet you I can make a pile bigger than yours!" He turned to Declan before the two raced across the backyard.

"Wow." Bennett frowned. "They could not be any more idiotic."

I smiled. These guys always knew how to make me smile.

I sat down on the swing set I used to swing on as a kid. I had some good memories and some bad.

One day I was swinging alone when I heard a snap. I didn't think anything of it but the next day pictures of me were hung all over the school with the caption "I'm so lonely I swing with my invisible friend." I still wonder to this day which idiot came up with that. Probably Raymond, or Parker. No, not Parker. Hopefully.

"So," I said, turning to Bennett who had silently sat beside me. "Wanna go jump in their piles before they finish?" I smiled mischievously.

"I don't know why I'm saying this but, yes." Bennett smiled as I clapped and said "Yay!!!!"

We watched for a while as Jordan and Declan battled to make the biggest leaf pile. At one point Declan stole half of Jordan's pile so Jordan shove Declan so he fell and flattened half of his own pile.

Jordan was currently fluffing his pile to make it look bigger than it actually was. Declan was frowning at him while copying his movements.

"Done!" Shouted Jordan as he ran over to us. Bennett and I were still swinging and watching.

"Let's let Bennett and Naomi decide who has the better pile." Declan smirked, thinking he would win.

"Fine." I got up off the swing and Bennett did the same. I turned and winked at him. He just stared at me. I guess that means he understood.

"We choose..." Bennett started plainly.

"Neither!" Bennett and I took off running and leaped into both leaf piles and the same time. The piles were close enough that we could throw leaves at each other and we ended up making one big pile.

"My hard work... its dieing!!!!" Jordan went down on his knees like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.

"I thought you guys were my friends." Declan stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Well," Jordan started "we could join them..."

"I'm right behind you!" The two rushed after us and jumped into the huge pile.

As the last of the leaves fluttered back to the ground I stood up. The guys had disappeared. "Guys?" I asked. I climbed out of the pile. "Guys!"

A few leaves rustled but otherwise there was no movement. "Jordan? Bennett? Declan?"

I was about to walk away when a hand grabbed my ankle. "Hey!" I fell backwards onto my butt and kicked up some leaves.

Bennett, Jordan, and Declan stood up, laughing and covered in leaves. I was laughing too. "You are so mean!" I shouted at them, but I was still laughing.

We spent a while like that, laying there laughing and talking about life. Soon my mom called us inside. I declared it a perfect day and I hope there will be many more.

Maybe there will, maybe...

A/N: So these are little chapter-long stories about the characters of TGGBB. The stories are not really relevant to the plot nor are they official but I hope you enjoy them while we're all waiting for TGGBB2.


~BentOvrBckwrds1 (See I'm a pretty big fan)

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