I Dare You

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"I can remember a time when I was so afraid, when even my shadow wouldn't follow me." -Bea Miller, I Dare You

The day started perfectly. A normal summer day. Bennett picked me and the guys up in a red convertible that was big and fancy. I liked it. I sat in the front seat and cranked up the radio. Some pop tune blasted through the car. I stopped jamming out for a while to listen to the lyrics.

"I just got so good at running-running tryin to find out who I was, I would go the distance but it wasn't far enough, but know I'm standing straight and know exactly who I am!" I smiled at those lyrics and started to dance. Yeah I suck but who cares! Soon the guys joined in. Even Bennett bobbed his head to the music. I started to sing to the chorus but was stopped abruptly.

"We're here." I frowned at Bennett as he got out and pocketed the key.

"You couldn't have let me finish my song?"


"Why are we here anyways?" I gestured to the big store behind us.

"We gotta get supplies for the game tomorrow!" Shouted Jordan as he sprinted past us with a shopping cart. 

"Oh!" I smiled and ran after him. "Jordan wait up!"

The other guys got out behind me and we rushed into the store.

We spent the whole time chasing after Jordan as he shoved random things in the cart that we probably didn't even need. We finally checked out and Bennett ended up paying over $1000. He didn't even blink at the number. I guess that's just a rich person thing.

We walked out the door and were about to walk out to the car when we saw something.

Declan noticed it first. He stopped for a moment and didn't even saw a word. He just put his arm out to stop us.

"What?" I looked up and saw what happened. Raymond and his group of football jerks had seriously messed up Bennett's car. They were still there. They hadn't noticed us yet. Raymond was in the middle of spray-painting a few questionable pictures onto the side of the car when Bennett finally said something.

He walked up to them, looking totally calm, and then scared the crap out of them. "What the hell do you think your doing to my car?" He said it in a calm, yet still firm, voice that made them all jump.

Raymond turned around and smirked. "Hey guys, look who's back." He smiled as his stupid friends looked at us. Declan glared at them and Jordan looked like he was ready to kill them. Bennett just looked the same as he always did but his hands were fists in his pockets.

"Oh no guys, they're gonna hurt us for touching Bennett's little fancy car." He turn and spat towards it.

That's when we went after them.

The football team lead us towards the side of the building. An abandoned alley. Great. That's when the chaos broke out.

Everyone started punching and hurting each other, I saw a guy fall to the ground unconscious. I started to worry. But then I stopped. I pushed the worry out of my head and replaced it with the words from that song I heard earlier.

I can remember, a time when I was so afraid. When even my shadow, wouldn't follow me.

I smacked a football player right across the face and I think I broke my ring finger. Oh well.

So I-I-I am picking up my sword, to shatter all the pieces that was before, cuz I-I-I'm worth fighting for.

I waded deeper into the fight, kicking a few feet that got into my way.

Fighting for.

I reached Raymond, who was in a fist fight with Bennett. I made eye contact with Bennett and he backed up, letting me have Raymond to myself. The song continued to blare in my head.

Put me in a cage, lock me in a room, throw away the key, I dare you.

Raymond laughed. "You again." I didn't even wait, I slapped him and gave him a bloody nose.

I'll break down the walls, a high heel wrecking ball, and I won't let you tear me down. No.

Suddenly one of Raymond's goons kicked my feet out from beneath me. I hit the pavement with a smack. I broke my ankle for sure. I was starting to see red.

I had an opinion, but I never spoke my mind. And I would t argue, even when I knew I was right.

I tried to stand and collapsed right into Jordan's nearby arms.

But I-I-I'm not that girl anymore. Yeah I lost the battle but I won the war. I-I-I'm worth fighting for. For.

I tried to stand again and this time hopped on one foot. I looked up and saw we were cornered, all four of us backed into a corner. "We can't give up." I said weakly. "Don't give in." I couldn't feel my leg and my ring finger was in an unnatural position. I touched my opposite hand to my head and it came back red.

Put me in a cage, lock me in a room, throw away the key, I dare you.

I stood tall and smirked. I was gonna end this. For good.

I'll break down walls. A high heel wreaking ball. I won't let you tear me down no!

The guys stood with me. "Let's kick some butt."

I just got so good at running-running tryin to find out who I was. I would go the distance but it wasn't far enough, but now I'm standing straight and know exactly who I am. Yeah.

I started to kick and punch, taking out a guy or two. Only seven or eight were even standing now.

I can remember, a time when I was so afraid.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath.

So put me in a cage, lock me in a room, throw away the key, I dare you. I'll break down the walls, a high heel wrecking ball. I won't let you tear me down, no!

I walked, actually hobbled, towards Raymond. I kicked him right in the gut and he fell to the ground. I looked around. Only my team was still standing.

And I won't let you tear me down.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡'𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now