Bentley's Revenge Part 3

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I walked down the red carpet with 5 inch heels that almost made me trip. I'm not clumsy but these shoes are meant to trip you. I stumbled down the carpet preying that the guys would suddenly appear by my side. And then there they were.

Jordan quickly grabbed one of my arms and put his around my shoulder. Declan grabbed the other and did the same. The two frowned at each other until I whispered, "Guys, the cameras!!" Then they turned and smiled. They lifted me up slightly so I was barely touching the ground. I looked down and noticed that it still looked like I was walking on the ground. I quickly looked up and smiled at the cameras before walking in quickly. How we even got in the carpet in the first place? I don't even remember...

Inside was even fancier. Tables of little rich people food that probably cost more than my house lined the walls though no one ate from them. Each person had more makeup on than every one in my house owns, combined. Their hair was up all fancy and I suddenly felt conscious of my own hair, full of rats and still lined with chunks of blond hair. My black eye was still slightly swollen. Jordan and Declan didn't look much better. Their rented tuxes were either slightly big or slightly small in different places. They both had double black eyes that looked only slightly infected...

I shook my head and continued to the center of the room. It was warm as people danced around them. It was a slow, ballroom-like dance that confused me. I gave up on trying to copy them and sat down in a secluded corner. The guys say on either side of me. I was about to go up and actually eat some food (unlike everyone else here) when the room got silent.

Mr. Frazier, Bennett's dad, walked onto the stage that was set up at the front of the room. He stood by the tall podium at the middle of the stage and tapped the microphone. "Hello all and welcome to the party!" He smiled. He said a few other things in fancy words that even I, being the biggest nerd here, didn't understand. I stopped paying attention and began the search for Bennett. I stood up on my chair, luckily we sat in the back so no one saw me except the guys. I watched over the heads looking for a flash of black hair or a slight slouch in someone in the crowd. But no, everyone sat straight up, with their hair either greased back or pulled up in a fluffy hair style. I frowned.

I sat down quickly and reported to the guys. "Nothing." They sighed and slumped in their seats. "Are we gonna go?" I asked as I stood up.

They replied with "Yeah. It was a good thought-" I got cut off by the crackling of the speakers above me.

"Is this thing on?" A vaguely familiar voice spoke. I couldn't place it exactly.

A muffled noise crackled and I heard a sound that sounded like a chair scraping against a hard floor. Then some muffled voices. Suddenly a voice I recognized instantly came over the loudspeakers. It was distorted and choppy but I knew that voice anywhere. "Hey, it's, me, Bennett." I froze. Bennett was here somewhere. The choppy voice of Bennett Frazier continued over the speakers. "Since, I could, not, be here, tonight, I'm giving, the entire company, to my, little, brother, Bentley. Goodnight!" I stood up. Something wasn't right. I walked right up to the stage where a dumb-founded looking Mr. Frazier stood staring up at the ceiling speakers. "Where is the room where those speakers are!" I demanded.

"Down the hall, two doors to the left." I didn't even wait to hear what he said next. The guys and I sprinted down the hall and got to the door. I slowly creaked it open. It swished silently.

Inside stood Bentley Frazier, Bennett's annoying younger brother who still had his hand on the door handle. Inside was Bennett, tied to a chair with his mouth duct-taped shut. I gasped. I ran past Bentley, causing him to drop something. I tried to pull off the ropes and didn't get very far until Declan came up behind me with a knife. I just stepped back and watched as he sawed off the ropes.

Bennett got up and pulled off the duct-tape. Bentley shouted something and wheeled around. Jordan was standing behind him. He screamed and cussed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jordan frowned. Gosh, he can look really scary when he wants to.

Jordan was getting ready to strangle him and Declan was getting his camera ready when I spoke up. "Guys, go. Let me talk to him." Jordan was about to say something when Bennett stopped him with a glare. The three left.

I turned to Bentley. I knew all three guys were right outside the door in case he was getting ready to run. Speaking of, I pushed the door open abruptly and heard three shouts from the other side. I closed it again. "Next time try not to ease-drop and maybe that won't happen."

I heard shuffling feet from outside. I turned back to Bentley. "Why." I simply said.

Bentley frowned. "It's kind of a long story, maybe I could tell it another time." He was about to open the door when I put my hand on it. "I've got all night."

He frowned. "That's what I thought." He sat down in the chair and sighed. "I realized something Naomi."

I sighed. This was gonna be a long night.

"I realized that I don't want Bennett to get everything. I realized I want a piece of the company." He paused. "My whole life it's always been about Bennett. He gets this, he gets that. He acts like crap towards the family yet he still gets the whole thing. I have been trying to act perfect, hoping that one day Dad would realize I'm the good one but now I know he never will."

I didn't know how to react. My mouth was wide-open. "Wow. I, uh, I don't know what to say."

Suddenly the door burst open and Mr. Frazier bust in. "What is going on here! Bentley?"

"Sorry father." Bentley sighed. "For everything. Bennett really is here and what you heard on the speakers was a recording. He didn't actually say any of that."

Mr. Frazier frowned. "Where is he?"

"Probably with his friends in the hallway."

"I'll go look for them." I stood up and left quickly.

I didn't even look. I knew exactly where they were.

I walked out the front door and out to the car. The guys were waiting for me.

"How'd it go?" Asked Bennett.

"Just fine." I smiled. "Now lets get out of here."

And we drove off into the sunset, or at least that's what it felt like.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡'𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now