Halloween Night

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Halloween Special Time!!!!!

"Come on out boys!" I shouted with a smirk.

"No!" I heard three voices from inside the room.

"You lost that bet and now you have to! You agreed to it!!" I giggled while they all groaned. "Do it!" I called.

"Fine." The door showily creaked open.

I pulled out my phone and started snapping photos as three grumpy bunny rabbits slipped out of the room. I was about to take another one when Declan grabbed my phone and smashed it in half. He frowned. "Bennett will buy you a new one."

I sighed before grinning and pulling out my moms old camera. "Smile!"

The three flipped off the camera.

I laughed as I slid the camera into my pocket. "Can we please change back now?" Complained Jordan.

"First, we Trick-Or-Treat!" I smirked as I slid on the last piece of my costume, I was going as, you guessed it, a nerd.

"No." Bennett sighed. "Naomi, really, I think you've tortured us enough."

"Fine. We'll only go to a few houses."

"I will not be buying you that new phone."

I frowned. Bennett and his blackmailing skills. "Fineee. But we have to at least drive around."


We got in the car and drove around for a while. Every once in a while Jordan and I got out and begged some strangers for candy. Why Jordan? Cuz he says that the ladies dig rabbits. I groaned so much when I heard that.

After getting quite a bit of candy, two bagfuls to be exact, we drove to my house.


I sat down at the kitchen table, glad to take off my itchy clothes and those huge fake glasses I got from the dollar store.

"What do we got?"

Jordan, no longer the bunny, showed me the stacks. "20 Twix, 15 Snickers. 25 Milky Ways, and, best of all, 40 Three Musketeers."

I gasped. "I call them all!"

"Nope." Bennett smiled. "We split them." He turned to Jordan and said "All of them."

"Your no fun!"

So we spent the rest of the night munching on Three Musketeers and watching the cheesy horror movies that were on tv. For a little while we danced to a remix Declan had created of Halloween music.

Then we went out! We drove around town looking for some fun. First we hit up a local grocery store where all the candy was 70% off and bought 4 more bags of Three Musketeers, because 10 pieces isn't enough. Then we drove around some more till we found a party. Jordan wanted to stop and crash it, party, eat some food and candy, play some games. But everyone else objected. So we went back home and messed around for a while.

And ate a lot of Three Musketeers. A. Lot.

Best Halloween Ever.

Hey guys! Happy really late Halloween (or early depending on when your reading this) What did you dress up as? I went as the most beautiful, original, fabulous costume ever. I went as myself. What's your favorite candy? Mines Three Musketeers, of course, what else would it be??

Happy Halloween

-BentOvrBckwrds1 (the candy-hyped)

Don't forget to leave ideas in the comments and don't worry, Bentleys Revenge Part 3 will be up soon. Hopefully.

Also, I am looking for a new cover for this book as it currently doesn't have one. So please, if you make one and send it to me I will mention you in the next chapter but I will only be able to actually pick one. So please submit your cover for this book :)

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