Bentley's Revenge Part 1

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Today was gonna be a good day. I could tell by the sun in the sky and the warm feeling inside of me. Today was the first day of summer. I rolled over and saw that the clock read 10:30. Good. I hate waking up early.

I stumbled down the stairs to my living room. I sat down on the couch and picked up the tv remote. I suddenly realized that there was a sticky note stuck to it. I peeled it off slowly and frowned. It read 'Urgent. Naomi meet us as You-Know-Where. M1 is missing.' I got the message right away. The guys wanted me to meet them at the base because Bennetr has gone missing. Oh no. What if the Lost Boys took him. Or Raymond's torturing him. Or he got lost!

I jumped up from the couch and sprinted across the house to the driveway. I'm not allowed to drive but I shoved the key into the ignition and sped down the driveway. I only hit one mailbox. What? I've never driven before...

I drove to the driveway of Three Musketeer base and skidded to a stop. I jumped out and sprinted past the security system. I pulled open the front door and sprinted to the main room. "GUYS! I GOT THE MESSAGE! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO??" I flopped on the couch from exhaustion.

Jordan and Declan came running in from the kitchen. "He's been gone for a  week!" They shouted in unison as I almost started to cry. A single tear went down my cheek. Jordan sat down next to me.

"Wherever he is, he's okay. That guy could shoot a ninja from 100 miles away."

I smiled at the horrible exaggeration before starting to cry again. "BUT WHAT IF HE'S NOT OKAY!!"

"I'm sure he's fine." Declan sat on the other side of me and put his arm around my shoulder. Jordan quickly threw Declan's arm off and replaced it with his own. I smiled. Stupid boys. I jumped up quickly and shouted "We need to go save him!"

"Well where is he?" Asked Jordan.

"Let's check his house." I started.

"Oh no." Declan frowned. His parents hate all of us. Even if he was there his parents would never let us see him!"

"Well screw them!" I shouted as I pulled out my keys. "We need to find him."

The three of us got in the car, Declan in the back and Jordan in the front. Jordan was weirdly silent the whole way there.

I tried to talk to him but nothing worked. Finally he spoke up. "You like him don't you." He said in barely a whisper.

I gasped. He thought I liked Bennett! "As a friend, definitely. As something else, no."

Jordan sighed. He thought I was lying. "I'm not lying." I insisted.

"I know." We drove in silence for a while longer before we arrived at Frazier Mansion.

I jumped out of the car and ran to the door. I rang the bell once and peeked in the window. Mr. Frazier was slowly walking towards us but than he saw me and turned on his heel. "NO!" I shouted as I watched his back disappear. I rang the bell three more times. No response. I frowned. "We're coming in whether you like it or not!" I shouted as Declan rushed past me and slammed into the door. It collapsed quickly and smashed into the floor, denting it real good. Serves them right. I dashed up the stairs right by the entrance and started opening doors.

As I opened one of them something fell from the inside of the door. A sticky note that reminded me of the one I found on my remote. This one read 'Bennett's not here. If you would like to find him look where you'd never expect him to be.' I frowned.

"Guys I found something!" I shouted as Jordan and Declan ran out of a room nearby.


"Did you find him!"

"No but I've got a hint."

Jordan swore as Declan walked up to me and read it.

"Somewhere you'd never expect him to be..." Declan mused.

"Wait!" I pulled out my phone and clicked the Trace Ace app Jordan created. I zoomed out and looked all over the world. No Bennett. "Dammit." I muttered under my breath. "He turned off Trace Ace." I informed the guys.

"Somewhere you'd never expect him to be..." Declan repeated.

"We get it. That's the next clue." Jordan frowned.

"I have an idea..."

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡'𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now