Best Night Ever!

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"When are we going to get there?" Jordan pulled an earbud out of his ear and looked out the window of one of Bennett's many cars.

"When we get there," Bennett shut him down quickly, having heard the question ten times in ten minutes.

"But really Bent, do you know what time we're getting there?" Declan poked his head into the front from his seat in the back next to me.

"I dunno," Bennett just stared straight ahead and kept driving.

We were on our way to the cabin he had rented for the weekend. Jordan came up with the idea to go to the lake though, saying he wanted to "get outdoors." Aka, spend an entire weekend trying to push Declan off the dock.

"Oh look here it is." After driving for two hours in the middle of a thick forest, we found a cluster of cabins surrounding a lake that went on for as the eye could see. "Which ones ours?"

"Let me look," Bennett pulled out his phone and pushed a few buttons, "number 118."

We pulled up to cabin 118, which wasn't even a cabin at all. It was a huge lakehouse, the nicest in the area. Dark brown logs covered the exterior where the giant windows weren't. It was a beautiful place.

"You picked a good one Bent." Jordan jumped out of the car, a van used for hauling around the things we were bringing to the cabin, and ran to the front door.

"Better be, it was the most expensive one here." Bennett got out too, walking to the back of the car to start unloading. "Come help carry in things."

"I'll pass. I'm going to go swimming instead!" Jordan ran around to the back of the lakehouse and immediately I heard a splash.

Bennett sighed and started pulling out bags out of the van with Declan helping. I grabbed bags and brought them inside, which was just as nice as the outside. We left Jordan's bags on the driveway.

"You gonna cook something?" Declan turned to Bennett, "I'm starving."

"You should go make burgers on the grill in the back," I said, wanting to go outside and check out the water.

"Why not." Bennett finished bringing things in before walking out to the back to start cooking. I followed him to the yard.

"Woah." The backyard sprawled in front of us, stone steps leading from the house to the lake and a hot tub that was nearby. A hammock hung in the trees and a boat sat in the dock.

"Hey Naomi!" Jordan waved from the water, where he stood. "Wanna go for a boat ride?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of wet keys.

I walked closer to investigate, immediately suspicious as to how Jordan got the keys when he can't drive. "Where'd you find those?"

"I stole them from Bennett, but don't tell him." Jordan winked before climbing out of the lake, dripping wet.

"Declan? Are you coming?" He was sitting in the hammock now, wearing a pair of sunglasses. He perked up as soon as I called his name and looked over to see Jordan and I in the boat already.

"Sweet!" He ran down the the water and jumped into the boat.

"Drive!" Jordan yelled as I jammed the key in and backed the boat of the dock. As we were pulling out, Bennett walked out of the house. He looked over in our direction and stuck his hand in the pocket where the keys must've been. He cursed loudly at Jordan who just laughed. Then he was too far away to see as the boat tore across the lake.

"Declan! Let's reenact that scene from Titanic!" Jordan ran to the front of the boat and held out his arms like Rose. Declan just took off his sunglasses so Jordan could see he was rolling his eyes. I tried not to chuckle as I looked out at the water, steering the boat around the lake happily, the winds blowing through my hair.

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