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"I'm sorry to say this, but the cancer is back."

"I'm sorry, Liam, but I'm not gonna sign this paper for you."

"What are the odds of remission?"

"Why do you hate me?! This isn't fair, it's just some stupid service hours!"

"I can't say for certain."

"Maybe they service will do some good to you, Liam."


The one where Zayn is a humble fifteen year old who's has spent over half his life in and out of hospitals trying to fight his endless battle with cancer, while Liam is a slightly conceited sixteen year old who's used to life always going his way. Watch what happens when the two opposite boys meet one another. Will they become friends, enemies, or something more than either could imagine?


Zayn: 15 years old. Was first diagnosed with leukemia when he was four years old. He went through many chemo sessions and many surgeries before he and his family were finally blessed to find out at nine years old he was cancer free. At eleven he was told the cancer was once again back, however, this time in one of his kidneys. After a few chemo sessions and surgery to remove one kidney, Zayn was once again cancer free at the age of thirteen. However, Zayn is now fifteen and once again sick, only this time doctors aren't so sure he'll be winning the battle.

Liam: 16 years old. Son of a very well known doctor in the London area and is used to having things go his way. He's class president as well as captain of the track and football team. After meeting with the board of his dream school in hopes to see if they'd offer him a scholarship for track, the school tells him he needs to complete his designated service hours before they even consider him.

Niall: 38 years old. Former patient of the hospital having had leukemia as a child, however, he now works there as a nurse. He works directly with all the live in patients as well as helps train the volunteers.

Louis: 17 years old. Osteosarcoma patient. Attended the same school as Liam, however, upon diagnosis was required to live in the hospital during his endless chemo sessions. Used to dream of being a professional football, but with the possibility of leg needing to be removed in order to save him from the cancer those dreams seem long and far away. He and Zayn are best friends seeing as though they are the only "children" living in the hospital.

Harry: 40 years old. Head doctor for cancer patients at St. Mary's Hospital (don't know if they have this in London but this is where I go in Ireland). He runs through every patient's file once a day and checks up on each of them personally in order to make them feel at home. Seeing as though his son lacks some of the humbleness he wished to have passed on to him, he refuses to allow his son to get the easy way out of service hours and actually makes him work each hour out rather than just signing off on the paper. Has a soft spot for the two adolescent patients.

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