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As Friday approached everyone was as anxious and as excited as ever. Even Louis who at the start of the week was dreading needing to appear in his vulnerable state couldn't help but feel excited for the day ahead. However, before they could even think of the event it was time for Liam, Louis, and Ashton to finally break the news to the boy who has been left in the dark for all these weeks.

It was just after nine in the morning when the boys decided to begin their day excitement. The three older lads had talked to Niall so that the man wouldn't wake Zayn up and rather leave that for them. Which is exactly why the three of them find themselves standing - even Louis who was using crutches - outside the boys room with whistles and anything that can make loud noises.

Slowly the three entered the room and caught sight of the totally knocked out fifteen year old, and for a moment they almost felt bad waking him up...that was just for a moment. Soon enough the room was filled with screams, whistles, and the banging of pans which no doubt had Zayn up in a matter of seconds.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" The boy mumbles as he sits up from the bed, rubbing the excess sleep from his eyes.

"Waking you up so you can get ready for the best day of your life," Liam exclaims as he begins to rummage through where the boy keeps his clothes. "We can keep it casual for the afternoon so joggers and a hoodie will suffice."

"What are you guys talking about?" Zayn asks again as he is now fully awake.

Rather than answering, though, the boys just handed Zayn a flyer which they hoped would explain everything...they were wrong.

"I'm confused," Zayn says as he begins to change into the clothes that the boys had handed him.

"We're having a fundraiser for you tonight, Zee," Ashton starts. "And you're going to it this time."

"Listen, my dad gave us permission to take you out for the entire day, so how about we waste less time talking and spend more getting ready so we can leave. An actually good breakfast is the first thing on the list," Liam says.

And with that being said Zayn quickly finished changing into his clothes because the thought of being able to go out was just too pleasing to pass up on...and Louis might have been a bit right when he whispered to the boy that he was only listening cause Liam told him to do it. So with one last look in the mirror Zayn claimed to be ready, and soon enough the four were walking out to where Harry and Niall were waiting at the front desk.

"You have to be back here for a quick check in at five. Then we'll go to the event together," Harry said to his son and Ashton - who was to be driving - sternly.

"We know, Dad," Liam says with a roll of his eyes.

"Both of you," Niall then says while gesturing to Louis and Zayn. "Wheelchairs, no arguments."

"Absolutely agree," Harry says with a raised brow when he saw the two going to protest.

"That's not fair," Zayn argues.

"You're gonna be out for many hours, and you lose energy quickly," Harry points out. "Plus I'm already allowing you to skip your designated napping hour, so you shouldn't be arguing with me."

And with that Zayn remains silent because he knows better than to push his luck.

"Are we good to go now then?" Ashton asks and slowly Niall and Harry nod their heads.

So within seconds the four boys are rushing out - two being pushed - of the building and straight over to Ashton's car which luckily had enough room to fit the two wheelchairs. They had decided on going to breakfast at a local diner not too far from the hospital that Liam claims to have grown up in.

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