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Things with Zayn and Liam went fine. Liam was a bit more quiet than usual, however, Zayn didn't really mind because his head was kinda hurting anyways so he just decided to lay down in bed while occasionally quietly talking to Ashton. At one point, though, Ashton decided to tell Liam to check up on Louis instead cause he could tell the boy was bored and Zayn wasn't totally comfortable talking in front of him.

As the next day came around Zayn was surprisingly up before Niall woke him which meant he could pick his own breakfast from the cafeteria downstairs. Clad in only his pajamas Zayn went down there, saying hello to a few doctors on his way, and entered the cafeteria where he immediately saw Louis sitting alone at a table. Zayn grabbed his food and slowly walked over to Louis' figure.

"Um, hi," Zayn said while looking down at his food when Louis looked up at him.

"Morning, Zayn. Wanna sit?" Louis asked and for some reason Zayn heard a bit of nervousness in his tone. Zayn didn't respond, though, and instead just sat down to which Louis smiled at. "Good sleep?"

"Is it a ever a good sleep on those shit mattresses?" Zayn asks with a smile.

"Oh, uh, I guess not," Louis said awkwardly, not wanting to tell Zayn that he doesn't actually have one of those shit mattresses.

"You alright? Seem anxious or some'in," Zayn asks around a mouthful of food.

"Oh, yeah. I have another chemo session today. Guess I'm not really used to them yet like you."

"You never get used to them, you just become less scared of them. At what time?"

"S'pose to go up at ten, I just needed to get a cuppa to help calm my nerves a bit. My mum should be showing up pretty soon as well."

"Oh that's nice," Zayn said with a fake smile and Louis nodded before bidding his farewells when he saw the woman entering the room.

It's not that Zayn thought it was pathetic for Louis to have his mum come to his chemo sessions, quite the contrary actually. He was extremely jealous. Neither his mum nor dad have been to his chemo sessions since he was like eight due to always having to be working. Both adults worked two jobs so it was hard to squeeze in visiting time which is another reason why Zayn is so close to all the doctors and nurses.

Zayn quickly finished the rest of his yogurt breakfast before going back upstairs where he immediately ran into Niall who told the boy he had to a bit of homework before going anywhere else. And Zayn being Zayn easily complied.

With Louis, the boy was nervously sitting on one of those lounge chairs with his mum next to him holding his hand. His knee was bouncing and his eyes were darting around to each IV cord that was hung in the room filled with that disgusting, poisonous liquid.

"Relax, boobear, I'm gonna be with you the whole time," Louis' mum, Jay, cooed as she caressed the boy's cheek.

"I'm scared, mum. I-I didn't like it last time, and- and it made me feel gross and awful and I don't wanna do it," Louis whined, on the verge of tears.

"I know, baby, and I wish I could do it for you, but this is going to make you better. Think about it, if this continues to work as well as it has been you may only have to be here a couple months. You could be back and better than ever for spring season football," Jay said quietly as to not disturb the other patients in the room.

"Do you think I could go home in a couple days after this session? I miss my bed," Louis asks with hopeful eyes and Jay just smiles.

"We'll ask, darling."

A couple minutes later and Niall entered the room with the dreaded needles and IV rack. He gave the boy a sympathetic smile upon noticing the tears welling in his eyes, and he couldn't help but ruffle his hair a bit.

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