twenty three

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It's the next day of school when Louis finds himself walking aimlessly through the canteen. Obviously being himself he had a ton of people not only offering him a place to sit but also seeing if he needed help carrying his food and bags. Though no matter how many people offered him help, each time he would just kindly decline until his eyes rested upon the two people he was looking for.

"Uh, hey," Louis says sheepishly as he approaches the table that held only Liam and Ashton. "Mind if I join?"

Without speaking Liam simply removes the bag from the seat beside him as he pulls the chair out for the boy to sit. Slowly Louis maneuvers himself around the seat before finally plopping down only for his crutches to then tumble down to the floor. Of course that led to a few people turning to see what the commotion was about but Liam and Ashton could just laugh.

"Yeah, cheers, dickheads," the boy mumbles, though, the slight smirk shows he was just kidding.

"When are you supposed to get your prosthetic?" Liam asks as he leans down to pick up the crutches.

"Got it last week, but I have to practice walking in it before I can start going around in it full time," Louis explains.

From there the boys go on with talking about just about anything really. From Louis' leg to Ashton's latest volunteer project to Liam's upcoming track meet; nothing was really off the table. Eventually, though, lunch was ending but before anyone got up Ashton spoke up.

"So, uh, were you guys planning on visiting today?" Ashton asks, not even needing to say Zayn's name because each of them already knew.

"If I can get a ride, yeah," Liam says

"Same, my mum can't pick me up until just before I need to go in for physical therapy," Louis replies as well.

"I can take you both if you want. I'm set to volunteer today at four but I wanted to go in early," Ashton offers, and of course both boys agree so that was the end of that.

With that being said the boys finish lunch with generic conversation before going back to their daily classes. Eventually, though, the day is ending and all three are meeting up at Ashton's car which he parks on campus. The boys had decided beforehand that they would stop somewhere to pick up some food seeing as the hospital never has good desserts, and they felt like Zayn could use the boost. So of course with that they stop at some local bakery and pick up one of just about everything before once again making their way back to the hospital.

As the boys arrived at the hospital each of them began to think about their first times entering the building. How feelings of nerves and anguish washed through them even if they weren't necessarily the ones being admitted into it. Hospitals are just overall a scary place and sometimes nothing can prevent that fear from occurring.

~Liam Flashback~

"Li Bear, you ready to go to work with Daddy?" Liam's mother, Alli, asks the five year old who was seated on top of the stool, eating his cereal contently while humming some made up tune.

"Yeah, Imma be a doctor mummy," a young Liam replies with a toothy grin.

"Well Dr. Liam's gonna need to finish eating soon cause we're running late," Harry says as he hugs his wife from behind before giving her a chaste kiss. "Are you almost done, baby?"

"Yeah daddy, I done," Liam mumbles as he hops down from the chair and runs to grab his velcro sneakers.

With the five year old now gone, Harry uses their time alone to give his wife a bit more of a passionate kiss before breaking away to place his forehead on top of her forehead. For a few moments the two stay still like that, just relaxing and enjoying each other's presence before they're interrupted by the squeals of their hyperactive five year old.

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