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As Friday approaches Zayn could not be more excited. Everyday leading up to the day he was constantly mentioning it to anyone and everyone...especially Louis! The blue eyed boy swears he's never seen someone so excited to hang out with their family, but yet again recently he's been learning a lot about appreciating the smaller things in life.

"Is it noon yet?" Zayn asks Niall for the umpteenth time as he sits in the classroom along with Louis and their tutor.

"Not yet, love. Just another hour and then your mum and dad should be here," Niall replies for what feels like the millionth time.

"What are you planning on doing at home? Hanging out with some friends?" Louis asks nonchalantly though he notices Zayn's minor tense up.

"Probably just my cousins and sisters, don't really have too many friends," Zayn says while fiddling with his fingers and Louis practically slaps himself. He hates that he's not good at this relating to people thing. "You were gonna go home this weekend too, right?" Zayn asks quickly after a couple minutes.

"Yeah my mum said she wants me to sleep on my own mattress for a couple days."

"Well, um, maybe you can come over to my house on Saturday. My mum's hosting a barbeque of sorts with some family and friends, and I think our mum's have gotten close. She also invited Dr. Styles and I think Liam would like to have a friend there."

"I'll mention it to my mum, and even if I can't I'm sure Liam won't mind hanging out with you/ He's a laid back guy," Louis says, not really noticing Zayn's grimace.

The two wrap up their school work relatively quick from there and before Zayn knows it his mum is signing his release papers and he's being guided from the hospital. She helps the boy walk from the exit to the car that was parked not too far away, and soon Zayn was finally on his way home.

It was a relatively silent ride. Zayn had the window slightly lowered so he could feel the fresh air outside while listening to the soft tone of the radio in the background. He watches the trees and buildings zoom by as they pass them, and he can't help but allow a smile to creep onto his face because he misses going on roadtrips.

"I invited Louis to come tomorrow. Is that okay?" Zayn says quietly to his mum after a bit and the woman can only smile.

"That's excellent, love. I already spoke to his mother and she said they'll stop by, as are Dr. Styles and his son," Trisha says back with a smile just as they pull into the home where the first thing Zayn notices is a homemade Welcome Home, Zayn! sign.

Trisha gets out of the car and helps the boy walk up to the front porch where the minute he makes it up the last step he's lifted off the ground by his father. The man hugs him for a bit before passing him off to the younger boy's sisters and finally entering the home afterwards.

"C'mon, love, I made your favorite for lunch, dhal and samosas," Trisha says with a smile as she helps situate the boy into his once usual seat at their dining room table.

The family follows suit and soon enough all five are seated around the dining room table eating and enjoying their meal as if Zayn had never left. As if he had never gotten sick. They catch up about everything and Trisha gives the boy a brief run down about who's going to be at the household the next day before finally Zayn places his spoon down on the half full plate.

"Zayn you need to eat a bit more," Yaser says gently upon seeing the boy's gestures.

"Baba I'm full," Zayn complains slightly but Yaser just shakes his head.

"Two more bites, baby, c'mon," Yaser coos as he holds a spoonful of the lentil soup like dish up to the boy's mouth.

And though Zayn seriously was full he found himself eating the food simply because he didn't want to see his parents worry more than they already are. So Zayn ended up about a total of five more bites before finally his parents told him he could be completely done. His sisters had decided that they would take the time after lunch to catch up on some things that are not too mentioned in front of parentals, however, Zayn's body told him otherwise and soon the boy was asleep on the couch.

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