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"Dr. Styles! Wait up!" Louis shouts as he limp/runs over to where Harry is walking away from his office. Upon hearing the boy, Harry turns around only to see Louis struggling to get over to him quicker, so the man slows his pace and turns around until he's face to face with Louis.

"Louis, don't run. Your body is weak and your bones are probably in a lot of pain," Harry lightly scolds as he allows the boy to lean some of his weight on top of of himself. "What can I do for you, Lou?"

"Are you going to Liam's game?" Louis asks with wide eyes and Harry sighs, but nonetheless nods his head. "Can I go, please? My mum said she signed some paper that allows me to leave, please can I?! I need to make sure they're not shitting up the field!"

"Louis, bud, you just had chemo two days ago, I don't think it's the best idea for you to go-"

"I promise I'll sit down the entire time, I won't run around and I won't yell too much. I'll sit next to you if I have to," Louis bargains, and though Harry knows he should tell Louis no he can't bring myself to do it which is how he found myself signing a form to release Louis for a couple hours.

"Niall, Zayn will be done with his appointment with the psychiatrist in about five minutes, so can you pick him up from there? He's starting his chemo treatments tonight," Harry asks as he collects the last of his belonging and Niall simply nods his head as he waves goodbye to Harry and Louis.

The two are quick to hop into the car and begin the trek down to the high school where the game will be taking place. Having known the boy before his diagnosis, Harry had had Louis in his car quite a few times from either giving him a ride home or taking him to games along with Liam. Louis plays with the music a bit before finally turning to Harry.

"So what's Zayn's deal? What does he have?" Louis asks casually.

"Patient Doctor Confidentiality agreement, Louis. I can't tell you that stuff," Harry replies simply as he turns on to the block the school is located on.

"But like is he a cancer patient? Mentally insane? There's always been a few rumors to go around the school since he would be in school for two years, then suddenly disappear for like another four years."

"He is not insane, he's a nice boy and I would appreciate it if you actually got to know him while you're staying in the hospital. The most interactions he's had with kids his age is the support group he goes to once a week which you will be starting next week."

"So he had cancer?"

"Louis enough, we're here so let's just go," Harry says as he exits the car before helping Louis navigate over to the field.


"Alright, so this is just gonna be a quick pin-" Niall starts but Zayn just cuts him off.

"A quick pinch. There's a bucket next to me if I start to feel too nauseous, and if it starts to become painful just press the little button next to you. Niall, I've heard this all before," Zayn says glumly as Niall inserts the IV needle into his veins before the brown, poisonous liquid begins to pump into him.

"Ah but you're wrong today. I'm gonna be staying in here with you today, so you don't even have to press a button," Niall says with a smile to lighten the mood but Zayn hardly reacts. "You know I missed getting to hang out with you."

"Yeah," Zayn mumbles as he reaches over to grab his phone from the counter.

Niall sighs at the boy's quietness, however, he doesn't say anything because he knows how hard this is for the boy in front of him. Having had cancer as a teen as well, Niall is all too familiar with the depressing thoughts that go through your mind while getting a chemo treatment. What he isn't familiar with, however, is having to have beat cancer twice before being told it has once again returned and this time stronger than ever.

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