twenty four

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"Zayn, you have visitors," Niall says quietly as he slightly opens up the boy's door.

Zayn doesn't reply, though. And it's not that he's trying to be rude or anything, it's more so that he doesn't even have enough energy to reply. After giving the boy a couple more moments to reply, Niall finds himself sighing as he slowly opens the door a bit wider so he can fully enter, as well as so the visitors behind him could enter.

"Zayn, bud, c'mon. Louis, Liam, and Ashton are here to visit," Niall says as he crouches down so that his face is leveled to the boys. As Niall looks at the boy, though, all he can do is sigh when he notices his clenched shut eyes as well as the built up sweat on his forehead. "Zayn, give me a number, bud. How much pain are you in?"

At this Niall actually does get a response, however, not verbal. Instead, Zayn holds up six fingers as he keeps his eyes shut. Now to the average person saying something is a six isn't too bad, right? I mean five is the middle point where something hurts but it's not like needs the emergency room hurting, so when you say six it just means a bit over middle. However, in Zayn's case those standards don't necessarily meet up.

With Zayn anywhere between one and three means that something hurts but he doesn't need immediate medical attention. Four to five means things are beginning to get rather uncomfortable. Six to eight is straight up pain. And, well, nine and ten...Zayn's only used his nine twice: the first time being when he was twelve and his whole body could not stop seizing, and the second being just a couple days ago when he had to be administered to the ICU for liquid build up in his lungs. So when Zayn started calling his pain a six, obviously Niall became concerned.

"Liam, get your dad, quick!" Niall says as he begins to look over Zayn's vitals while Louis and Ashton both make their way over to the boy's side to hold onto his hand or overall just try and comfort him.

As Liam went to go get his dad and Niall continued to try and figure out what was wrong, Zayn's body suddenly began to convulse as he began to choke out coughs. By the boy's gagging it was obvious his body was trying to throw up, however, the boy wasn't able to keep anything down earlier on in the day. So as the boy continued to lean over the edge of the bed, Harry finally entered the room along with another doctor before immediately running to the boy's side.

"Zayn, can you open your eyes?" Harry says in a somewhat calm manner as he prepares the mini flashlight in front of the boy's eyes.

"I-I-I can't," Zayn manages to choke out in a whimper like voice. "Dr. Styles, I-I-I can't see."

"Bud, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay?" Harry says in a calm manner as he tries to get the boy to relax. "Take a deep breathe, and then try to open your eyes for me. It's alright, yeah?"

As time passed on Zayn's breathing began to pick up more and more before finally he was once again leaned over the side of the bed gagging out whatever his body could muster up.

"Boys, get out," Harry states before rambling off some medical term for Niall to do.

"But Da-"

"Out, Liam James," Harry says with more aggression, and before any of the boys could react a nurse was guiding all three out into the hall.

Back in the room with Zayn and the doctors, Zayn had just managed to get his breath back after being given a quick dose of adrenaline to get his body out of its trance of shock. As Zayn's body began to relax Dr. Styles quickly lifted the boy's eyelids and shined the lights in only to notice how dilated his pupils were. Harry then switched between the eyes to see if they were to go back to normal, however they never did.

"D-Dr. Styles, I can't- I can't see," Zayn whimpered as tears began to weld in his eyes.

"It's alright, bud, just relax. You're gonna be okay," Harry says as he has Niall put a line in Zayn before injecting a form of anesthesia that made Zayn fall asleep.

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