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Trisha was downstairs in the cafeteria sipping on a cup of tea thinking about everything she just witnessed with her son. She couldn't help but wonder why this has to keep happening to her son. Or if this is gonna be the time when finally Zayn's body finally gives up on him. She's so caught up in these thoughts that she doesn't even notice the somewhat familiar face approach her.

"I'm so glad you took me up on the offer to meet up," Jay says as she sits in front of Trisha with her own cuppa tea in hand. Jay notices Trisha's slightly startled reaction and gives an apologetic look. "Thinking?"

"Yeah, I seem to do that quite a lot now," Trisha says as she sips her tea. "I'm actually really happy that you offered to meet up. I have- I haven't really been the most social person since Zayn's new diagnosis."

"New?" Jay asks a bit confused because the boy's so young and just how many diagnoses could he have.

"Yeah this isn't exactly our first time having him be in the hospital," Trisha sighs. "He first was diagnosed when he was four, then again at eleven, and now at fifteen."

And to say Jay's eyes widened would be an understatement, because it looked as if her eyes were about to fall out of her head. This is Louis' first diagnosis let alone first time being in a hospital, and the mother felt as though her world was already over. She couldn't imagine having to do this three times with her son. Especially at such a young age.
"I am so sorry!" Jay immediately says, not really knowing any other way to react.

"It's fine, don't worry," Trisha says, though, you could tell she was more trying to convince herself that it was fine.

It took a bit, but eventually the two mum's began to talk and talk and talk about everything and anything but the hospital. Anyone that would pass by them would assume the two have been friends for years by how much they were talking to one another, but eventually Niall approached the two.

"Sorry to interrupt gossip hour, ladies, but Zayn's asking for you Trisha," Niall says and Trisha nods before beginning to stand up.

"I'll call you Jay, we;ll get lunch one day next week," Trisha says as she hugs the woman goodbye before following Niall up to her son's room where the boy was once again being sick into the bin beside him.

"I'll go get him some medicine," Niall says as Trisha rushes to the boy's side.

"Can you bring a warm rag as well? He's sweating a lot," Trisha asks and Niall nods as he exits the room. "It's alright, baby, let it out. Mummy's right here," Trisha coos.

The woman continues to rub the boy's back as she hears someone enter the room, however, when she looks up rather than seeing Niall she sees her husband along with their three girls who are looking at Zayn with nothing but concern.

"Waliyha, hi, baby, I've missed you," Trisha forces out as she opens up a single arm to gesture for the girl to give her a hug. The second oldest daughter slowly walks over to her mother and gives her hug before turning to her paler than normal brother who had just stopped vomiting.

"Hi, Zaynie," Waliyha speaks quietly as she runs her fingers through the boy's sweat damp hair.

Before Zayn couple reply though Niall is walking in with the cloth and syringe medicine. The blonde man hands the towel to Trisha who immediately begins to gently wipe down the boy's forehead, as he injects the syringe into the IV cord in order to get the medicine into his system quicker.

The family sits in silence for a couple minutes or so before Zayn finds himself rolling his head onto his mum's lap.

"Can I go home?" The boy whimpers which causes Trisha along with his sister's to coo.

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