twenty one

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"You coming to the hospital after school today, bud?" Harry asks Liam as the two ate their breakfast that Monday morning.

"Yeah but probably later. Me and the relay team were gonna get some practice runs in before we do our timed run tomorrow," Liam explains as he finishes his cereal.

"Alright sounds good. After that maybe we can go out for dinner; I have an early shift tonight," Harry says as he begins to collect the bowls. "Oh and I think Louis' supposed to have his first full day back at school today. Can you do me the favor and check up on him? I know it can be hard transitioning back into school after what he's been through.

And obviously Liam agrees because Louis is his friend and the last thing he wants is for the boy to feel uncomfortable around his own school. So from there Liam finishes getting ready before Harry is dropping him off at school. It's when he walks through the school gates, though, does he see the familiar boy walking with his crutches while talking to two people who were following beside him.

Deciding to catch up and welcome the boy back Liam begins to pick up his pace a bit where he then notices something a bit off. The people Louis was talking to weren't his usual friends; in fact Liam was positive that they weren't friends at all. No, they were simply freshmen. Freshmen who seemed to be carrying his bags and books.

"C'mon Louis, back for hardly ten minutes and already asserting your dominance?" Liam teasingly jokes while nudging the boy only slightly.

"Need to make sure people remember me," Louis jokes back. "I was gone for a couple months you know?"

"Yeah I know but don't make the freshmen carry your shit. Here, I'm your friend I'll do it for you," Liam sighs as he takes ahold of the boy's bag. "You nervous to be back?"

"Not really actually. I've come to visit already a couple of times and most people seem to know I'm lacking a limb now, so I don't tend to get too many stares when I enter rooms anymore."

"Oh you know you love when people give you attention."

"Very very true.

As the boys walk through the halls they continue to talk to one another about everything they've missed. Obviously Liam notices a few people staring at Louis' hobbling figure, however, he doesn't point it out because he doesn't want Louis to feel bad.

"So, you talk to Zayn recently?" Liam asks casually though Louis' reaction is anything but casual.

"Uh, I guess? Why do you ask? Has he said something?" Louis asks with a hint of nervousness lacing his tone.

"No just asking, mate. I just kinda feel like he's lying to me when he says his radiation is going well," Liam explains a bit. "Has he mentioned it to you at all?"

"Uh, yeah, he told me it's going fine. He said he was feeling good Saturday after his treatment."

And that's when Liam freezes.

Not only was Zayn home on Saturday but he never has radiation on weekends. His radiation treatments are from Monday to Friday and they've been like that since he started this. If Louis had actually been talking to the boy he'd know this.

"You said you saw him Saturday?"

"Yeah I was in for a quick rehab thing and we chilled for a bit," Louis replies smoothly.

"Oh, well, that's funny considering Zayn went home this weekend since he doesn't do treatment on Saturday and Sunday," Liam immediately threw back as he slammed Louis' locker closed. "Louis, why don't you tell me what's really going on?"

"You wouldn't under-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, Lou. When was the last time you even saw him?!"

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