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It's been about a week since that whole fiasco went down, and to say things were tense would be an understatement. Liam and Louis was hardly talking to Harry, Zayn was still a bit more down that normal after hearing those rude words, and the worst is that Louis assumes him and Zayn are all buddy-buddy when really Zayn doesn't even want to look at him.

It's Wednesday and Zayn is due for his second chemo session. You can't help but dread a chemo session, however, Zayn was a bit more okay with it this time around because he knows the after effects won't be as bad as the last ones.

Niall came into his room at around ten and brought him over to the chemo room where much to his displeasure he saw Louis hooked up to another chair with his mum in front of him.

"Alright, Zee-" Niall starts, however, he stops once Zayn gives him that are you actually serious look. "Right, you get it. Do you want me to get you anything though?"

"Headphones?" Zayn asks as he notices them not in his pocket, and Niall nods while ruffling the boy's hair before exiting the room

Zayn attempts to relax into the chair while taking deep breaths to try and relieve himself of the painful feeling that is being pumped into him. However, he isn't very successful after hearing Louis whimper and whine every ten seconds.

"It's okay, boo bear, just think this might be one of your last sessions. Shh, baby," Zayn hears Louis' mother coo. "Why don't you talk to your friend here for a bit? Remember last time when you two were talking you hardly noticed it. I'm Jay," the woman says to Louis before turning to Zayn to extend a hand.

"Zayn," Zayn says timidly as Niall walks into the room.

"All good boys?" The blonde man asks and Zayn forces out a nod whereas Louis just whines again. "We can stop it for a bit to allow him to adjust," Niall offers and Jay nods with a small frown on her lips.

Niall approaches the machine pumping the poison in, and presses the button which stops the flow before telling Jay to call for him when Louis' ready to begin again.

"Oh and Zayn? You have a visitor," Niall says before walking away which causes the boy to scrunch his nose up in confusion. However, not even a minute later and a very familiar, though almost foreign from the last time it was seen, face appears.

"Baba!" Zayn exclaims upon seeing the man walk in followed by his mum and oldest sister which caused the boy's smile to beam even brighter. "What are you guys doing here?!" Zayn asks, the smile never leaving his face, he even noticed Louis' mum smiling at the scene.

"It's Doni's first day of holiday, and your father and I just so happened to have a day off. Thought we'd come spend the day with you," Zayn's mum says while walking over to the boy to give him a kiss. "I missed you, baby."

"You saw me on Sunday, mumma," Zayn points out but Trisha just shakes her head.

"I miss seeing you everyday," the woman replies before moving out of the way for Yaser and Doni to say their hello's.

"How you doing, baby brother?" Doni asks with a smile.

Of his siblings Zayn, for some reason, has always felt closest with Doni. Sure she might be the oldest and he's the youngest, but they have this bond that just makes Zayn feel so connected to her. He remembers her coming to visit him in the hospital when he was four, and each time she would always come with a new set of stickers or football trading cards for the boy.

In her class there was thing called "the treasure chest". Every time they were very well behaved in class or excelled on an assignment their name would be inserted in the chest, and at the end of the week five names would be drawn and those five could pick a prize. The weeks Doni won, she brought Zayn a pack of football trading cards. The weeks she didn't the teacher would give her a small sheet of stickers to give to the boy since she knows that's where the gifts go anyways.

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