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It was now the next morning which also means it's Zayn's last day of freedom till he doesn't know when. In a sense he was both sad yet relieved about having to go back to the hospital. He was sad because he knows seeing his parents will once again be limited, however, he won't be having to deal with people that treat him as if he can't do anything for himself.

The family decided to let Zayn choose where they went on his last day home and immediately the boy chose the zoo. For some reason it was always his favorite place, and though his parents don't know it's because of them. When he was first diagnosed with leukemia when he was four, the family would take him to the zoo every other weekend to try and cheer the boy up. He loved seeing the monkeys, bears, and tigers, but what he loved most was seeing his parents smile.

So the family went to the zoo, and though it didn't seem as fun as when he was four Zayn still had a great time because he got to joke around with his sisters and see his parents happy. However, at one point or another Zayn knew he had to go back to the hospital which is why he wasn't surprised to see his father pulling into the dreaded building after they left the zoo.

Yaser helped Zayn out of the car and into the building while Trisha took in his little bag of clothes and new knick knacks some of their family members had brought him. While Trisha signed the boy back in Yaser took Zayn up to his room where the minute the two entered they saw the familiar face that has grown to be one of Zayn's best friends.

"Hey Niall," Yaser says with a smile as he sees the man straightening out Zayn's bed.

"Hey Yaser, good to see you," Niall says while shaking the man's hand before turning to Zayn. "Hey kiddo, fun weekend?"

"Yeah I learned to play footie," Zayn said with a smile as Trisha and his sisters entered the room.

"Well I'm glad one of us had fun this weekend. Without you and Louis here I had no one to keep me on my feet," Niall joked.

The two parents went on to talk to Niall for a bit before bidding their goodbyes to Zayn. It was slightly emotional, however, everyone managed to keep their tears in, and finally Zayn was once again on his own.
"So tell me everything you did this weekend," Niall says in an excited voice as he pulls a chair up to the side of Zayn's bed.

"Friday was pretty relaxed, just hung out with me mum, dad, and sisters. Watched a couple films and what not, but on Saturday we had the whole family and a couple friends come over for a barbeque. At first it was kinda crappy because no one was letting me do anything, but then Louis and Liam got there and they taught me how to play footie. And then today we went to the zoo, and, yeah, it was just fun," Zayn says as he pulls something out of his bag. "We bought you a tiger hat cause you couldn't go to the barbeque."

"I'll cherish it forever," Niall said before backtracking in the conversation. "Now did I hear you right when you said Louis and Liam taught you how to play football?"

"Yeah! They taught me to do keep upies and then we played a game of two on two with Ashton, and me and Liam won! I scored the goal!"

"Well wasn't that evening full of surprises," Niall says more to himself. "Now I hate to be the barer of bad news, but we need to get a couple scans done today."

"Just scans?"

"Just scans, no treatment."

So Zayn nodded in understanding as he got up from the bed and began to follow Niall out of the room. The boy made his way through a few corridors before getting to the room where all the scan technician doctors are. He was told to lie down on a table before giving a few injections, and then the scans began.

MRIs, PET scans, and CT scans shouldn't be anyone's normal, however, for Zayn they are. He's pretty sure if he really wanted he could administer the scan himself, however, he would much rather not get them at all. It took a couple hours to get all the scans in, but by 10:30 Niall told him he was done for the night and all he was left to do was shower, eat, and then go to sleep.

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