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To the surprise and pleasure of Liam, being alone in Zayn's room isn't as awkward as he was expecting it to be. He thought that the two were going to be sitting in an awkward silence for god knows how long, or until one of them decided to make up an excuse and leave. But that's not what's happening by any means.

No instead Liam and Zayn are laughing and talking as if they've been friends for years. They talk about music they like and how they both enjoy English. They tell stories about their rather embarrassing parents, Zayn even throwing in a couple stories of his own that involve Dr. Styles.

"You know, when you're not surrounded by the football team you're actually really nice," Zayn mumbles out before his eyes widen in realization. "I-I didn't mean that in a rude way it's just-"

"Zayn I understood what you meant," Liam said with a chuckle. "I was- no actually I still can be a dick, and that wasn't right of me. You don't deserve to be treated like that."

"Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I should be treated better or worse than other people."

"I know s'just, it's hard being constantly nice to people. Like high school- it's just- you wouldn't understand," Liam says which causes Zayn to frown.

"What's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"High school. You said I wouldn't understand which technically is true because I don't go to high school, so tell me what's it like. Is it like how it is in the movies?"

And Liam can't help but smile at the boy, though, internally frown a bit because he's hardly been able to experience going to school.

"In some movies, yeah. So every school has the jocks and the nerds and the cheerleaders, but most movies tend to miss the students who are kinda involved in everything. Like our class president is on the football team and editor of the newspaper.

"Also cafeteria food actually isn't that bad. Most of the time it's unhealthy but it still taste good and that's really all that matters. Uh, what else, um, at least in our school no one is like undercover drug dealers or contraband dealers, and we don't really try to revolt against the teachers. And like students are actually allowed to voice their opinions a lot. Like if they want to make a club supporting Star Wars all they need to do is get like ten signatures and it can happen. It's just...normal?"

When Liam finishes explaining Zayn is looking up at him in awe.

"That's so cool! So like you could literally invent something that has no meaning or purpose and as long as you get people to like it as well you can make it a club?! What's the weirdest club you have?!" Zayn asks with a giddy look that has Liam cooing.

"We have quidditch. From like Harry Potter? It can get pretty intense for some of the games," Liam explains and once again Zayn's eyes widen further, however, they soon drop back down.

"I wish I could go to high school," Zayn says quietly and Liam can only frown.

"It's not all that great," Liam tries to push. "I mean we still get a lot of homework and the halls are always busy and we wake up way too early and like there's always gossip about the latest hook ups going on."

And after Liam said the last reason he noticed Zayn looking at him confusion and almost go to ask something, however, he quickly refrains himself from doing so.

"What?" Liam pushes but Zayn just shakes his head. "C'mon what? What did you want to ask?"

And though Zayn knew he would regret asking this he can't bring himself to stop.

"Wh-what does hook up mean?"

And yeah Zayn was right about probably keeping that to himself.

For a few minutes Zayn and Liam both just look at their laps, neither one mumbling a word. Zayn can feel the redness burning in his cheeks whereas Liam can only continue to think how could this boy be so innocent. Finally though after a few more minutes, Liam clears his throat and looks back up to Zayn.

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