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Two weeks have passed since Zayn's first radiation treatment, and he's come to a conclusion on two things. One, radiation is a bitch and a half. And two, Louis probably isn't going to be visiting him anytime soon.

Since being released from the hospital, Louis has yet to visit Zayn or even simply send him a quick text to see what he's been up to. To say Zayn felt betrayed would be an understatement. For years he kept to himself in the hospital and even at school when he was allowed to attend, but with Louis he allowed himself to open up. He opened up to the boy and told him things he hasn't even talked about with his mum, yet the boy turned out to be just like everyone else.

Obviously Zayn hasn't told anyone that. As far as Liam, Niall, and probably even Dr. Styles are aware of Louis has visited Zayn and they text all the time, or, well, that's what Zayn was told is what's happening via Liam. Seeing as though Zayn just doesn't know how to be mean he went along with the lie, but really the realization only left him feeling even more betrayed.

At the moment it was a Friday which means Zayn will have officially completed two of his eight week treatment after today's session. For the past two weeks the boy has managed to complete his sessions without complaining once, however, today doesn't seem to be the same case.

"Zayn, come on s'time for treatment," Niall says as he begins to open up the boy's windows.

"No," Zayn complains as he tries to roll over, however, he proves to be too weak in this moment to do so.

"Yes," Niall chuckles as he turns and begins to approach the boy in bed. "C'mon, bud, last one before you get a break for the weekend."

"Please no more," Zayn whimpers out, and finally he actually catches Niall's attention in concern.

"Hey what's wrong? What's going on? Is something hurting?" Niall asks in concern as he begins to examine over the boy in bed.

"Everything hurts," Zayn whimpers as he finally manages to roll over and clutch his knees to his chest. "I just wan'a sleep, please."

"Alright I was gonna save this surprise for you till later, but I think we can have it now instead," Niall replies as he exits the room.

Obviously Zayn is confused at the statement, however, seeing as Niall is gone he decides to take advantage and get some sleep in. The boy had just managed to close his eyes when he hears his door opening once again only this time he hears two sets of feet. Before Zayn could even re-open his eyes though he hears the familiar voice that he feels he doesn't hear enough of.

"How's my baby doing?" Trisha coos as she crouches down so that her face is leveled with Zayn's.

"Don't wanna do it anymore, mumma. Please don't make me do it anymore," Zayn cries as he reaches out with one arm which signals for Trisha to pull him in for a hug.

"Just one more this week then we get to rest."

"No please! I don't wanna be here anymore, I wan' to go home," Zayn says as tears begin to escape his eyes.

"I know, baby, I know but-"

"Everything alright in here?" Trisha gets cut off by Harry walking into the room with a look of concern, however, it's quick to turn to worry when he sees Zayn's state. "What's going on, bud? Why the tears?"

"I wanna go home," Zayn continues to cry as he now finds himself practically on Trisha's lap.

"Baby, that's why I'm here," Trisha coos as she rubs the boy's back. "I was gonna take you home for the night after your treatment today."

And slowly Zayn's tears begin to fade as he looks up to his mum with wide eyes.

"Really?" Zayn sniffles, and now Trisha can only chuckle as she nods her head.

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