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Louis wakes up to the feeling of someone running fingers through his hair and the faint sound of consistent beeping. It takes a couple minutes but eventually the boy manages to open up his eyes, only to meet the ones of his mother. She's looking at him with such fondness, and Louis wants to speak, however, he finds his throat a lot dryer than expected which causes his mother to just shush him gently.

The woman then gets up from her seat only to cup back with a styrofoam cup of ice chips and gently begins to spoon them into her baby boy's mouth. It's peaceful. Relaxing, even. But then Louis remembers why he's in this position. So slowly the boy makes a move to remove the blanket from his body's lower half, however, his mother once again stops him with a soft look.

"The surgery went amazing, love. I'm gonna call Dr. Styles in to talk to you, and then we'll take a look," Jay says in a gentle voice that even Louis can't disagree to because he knows that her idea is better.

So Jay then exits the room only to come back in a minute later with a half smiling Harry in tote.

"Hey, bud, you woke up in record time. Considering your track record of morning wakeups, I thought we were gonna have to give you an epipen in order to get you up post surgery," Harry jokes, and Louis gives a small smile. "So the surgery went great, bud. No tumors had spread so that was perfect."

"S-so that means I-" Louis says quietly but stops himself as he gestures to his leg.

And Harry knew what he was asking, it's hard to not know, which is why he softly just nods his head as he begins to slowly pull the blanket from the boy's legs. And Louis has his eyes shut closed at this point, but when he hears his mother let out a small gasp he can't help but pry them open. And for the first time in his life he's speechless.

Louis William Tomlinson is utterly speechless.

"I know this is a lot to adjust to, but you need to know that this is far from the end. This is a new beginning for you, Lou. Now, we still have to do one test on you a bit later in order to see the total success of this surgery, but from what I could see I think you're gonna be out of here a lot sooner than expected," Harry explains.

And Louis knows Harry was speaking to him, but he couldn't hear a word because all he saw was his stump of a leg. His thigh basically, that's all that was left of his his right leg. The boy was in such a state of shock that he didn't even realize that he was leaning forward to get a closer look at it until Harry was placing a gentle hand on his back.

"You're in for a big recovery, Lou, but I know you're up for the challenge," Harry said as he left the room only for Niall to enter in order to take the boy's vitals.

Louis continues to sit in a state of shock as he looks at his legs. He can't help but begin to move around his left leg to do all sorts of weird things, however, he doesn't look at that leg, he just looks at his right leg where his foot should be doing the same thing.

"Louis, you've had a visitor sitting outside your room for the past two hours waiting to check in on you. You up for him or should I tell him it's time for bed?" Niall offers.

And Louis immediately knew he meant Zayn, but at the same time Louis didn't know if he was up for people to see him. He knows of everyone in the world Zayn would be the last to laugh at him or give him pity, but there's always that fear deep down that people will do that which is why Louis just stays still.

"He's been asking about you non-stop, love. We can cover your legs up?" Jay offers, and finally Louis nods his head slowly.

So Jay pulls the sheet back over her son's leg(s) as Niall exits only to return back with an anxious looking Zayn minutes later.

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