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"Zayn, open the door, buddy. Come on, love, what's wrong?" Niall asks as he stands outside of the boy's door trying to find a way in after seeing him sprint in there with tears falling down his face.

"Leave me alone!" The boy cries out and Niall once again sighs.

The thing is, the door isn't actually locked seeing as though none of the patient's room have one, but Zayn sat his body against the door so that it was harder to open it. If Niall actually tried he would be able to push the door open in a heartbeat seeing as though Zayn is quite a small boy, but he doesn't want to do that because he wants Zayn to at least feel as though his solution was smart.

"Come on, buddy, I just wanna make sure you're alright," Niall tries one more time but Zayn doesn't answer, and the blonde man can only sigh. A couple minutes later and Harry was approaching the boy's room with a stern face on, only to soften when he saw the distraught look upon Niall.

"Everything alright here?" Harry asks as he tries to push open the door only to feel a pressure pushing back on it.

"Don't know what happened, but he came running towards his room crying and then sat himself in front of the door so I couldn't get in," Niall explained and Harry sighed.

"S'probably my fault. Give us a minute, yeah?" Harry asks and Niall nods before walking away. With it just being the doctor and the door now Harry easily pushed himself against the door until he easily managed to move Zayn's body along with the door.

"No stop! I said leave me alone, Niall!" Zayn whines while digging his heels into the ground with little success.

"And I'm the doctor who's your guardian when you live here, and I said I'm coming in," Harry says easily when he fully opened the door and entered the room. "C'mon, love, let's have a chat."

Not really wanting to look at the man after having been humiliated like that, Zayn turns his head away from him and just wraps his arms around his knees tighter. Harry couldn't help but feel a little hurt at the action because Zayn has always been one to listen to him, and this only goes to show how much he actually messed up this time around.

Deciding to not want to prolong this anymore, Harry walks over to the boy's cowering figure and lifted him up onto his hip before going over to the bed and sitting Zayn on his lap. Zayn immediately tried to turn away, and Harry let him at first but eventually he began to run his fingers through the boy's hair until he got him to once again look over.

"Can you talk to me, buddy? What's running through your head at the moment," Harry coos a bit while continuing to card his fingers through the boy's still existing hair. Zayn remains quiet for a few more minutes, simply looking down at his lap before looking at Harry with his tear stained cheeks.

"You- you embarrassed me in front of all tho-those people," Zayn hiccuped as he rested his cheek against Harry's shoulder, and the man cooed while continuing to play with the boy's hair and rub his back. "You scolded m-me about nap- nap time, but I-I'm fifteen! They- they're all probably laughing about me n-now."

"I can guarantee you they're not. One of those boys was my son, and he knows better than to make fun of something like that when I still occasionally force him into naptime as well," Harry offered quietly, but Zayn didn't seem to fully believe him.

"Louis' not gonna want to hang out with me anymore. He's gonna think I'm too incompetent and he won't invite me to his room to play video games anymore." And Harry couldn't help but chuckle a bit because no matter how humble Zayn is, or how secluded he's been from other children, he still just like every other fifteen year old boy of the world.

"I promise you that's not true. You and Louis are both going through something very serious, and you need one another to rely on. Possibly him even more than you because he's never done any of this stuff before and it's all quite scary. It's okay for you to be scared, too, still though, but you've created other bonds in this hospital to rely on. Louis only has you and me here really."

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