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Harry's morning was going better than expected. Upon waking up and making Liam and himself breakfast, Liam actually gave his father a proper hug and kiss good morning. Following that, when Liam's car wouldn't start and Harry volunteered to drive him Liam didn't even roll his eyes. So to say Harry was smiling the whole car ride would be an understatement.

"Are you gonna need me to pick you up later?" Harry asks just before he pulls up to the school.

"I can hitch a ride from one of the other guys," Liam said easily as he continued to text on his phone, only briefly looking up to give his father a small smile.

"Alright, just checking. Have a good day, baby," Harry said while kissing the boy's temple before finally allowing him to leave the car.

From there Harry continued his drive to the hospital, only stopping once on the way to pick up a tray of coffee and bagels for the doctors and nurses on his floor. As the curly headed doctor arrived at the building everyone could see the bit of bounce in his step, which is why when he got to Niall the blonde man almost felt bad for having to ruin part of that mood by telling him about last night's occurrence.

"Good morning, Niall. How are you doing today?" Harry asks with a smile as he hands the man his designated drink.

"Um, I'm doing well. You're in a rather good mood," Niall says while sipping the drink, sighing in content when the non-shitty coffee hit his taste buds.

"Just a good morning between me and Liam," Harry said as he grabbed his own drink. "Now why don't you give me last night's reports before going home. You've been here for far too long."

Niall let out a little chuckle while stifling a yawn as he grabbed a stack of papers and handed them over to Harry as he played with his own hands. Niall watched Harry's eyes skim the papers, slightly nodding his head to himself, when he finally noticed the man's eyes furrowing in confusion.

"An accident report between Zayn and Louis? Are they okay? I thought they were good friends now," Harry says in confusion as he pulls the paper fully out to read more on it, however, there isn't much to say upon it.

"I didn't really know what to categorize it as. Um, Zayn and Louis were hanging out after they both got back, and, well, when Zayn was in the shower he fell. I asked Louis afterwards if he knew anything that happened and all he said was that he heard Zayn groan in pain before a hearing a crash. When I asked Zayn he said he got a migraine and lost his balance," Niall said.

"Did you manage to get the scans in?"

"They're in the lab, ready to read."

"I'll talk to both boys about it, and I'm going to void it as an accident report and simply classify it as self patient concern. You go home and get some rest, you worked an eighteen hour shift."

Niall nodded in appreciation as he grabbed the cup of coffee to finish as well as a muffin and left Harry to be on his own for a bit. Harry typed a few things into the computer, recording all the incidents from the night prior which really weren't that many, before finally making his way over to Zayn's room.

Upon entering Harry saw Zayn still fast asleep, however, what concerned him was the fact that his heart rate was beating far too fast. Immediately Harry rushed over to check the boy's other vitals, which all checked out to be stable, before simply waking him up because he could only think of one other reason as to why his heart rate was that fast. As Harry shook the boy gently, Zayn immediately sprung up in the bed, eyes wide and looking around frantically before falling on the familiar eyes of Harry.

"Hey, bud, bad dream?" Harry asks as he pushes the flattened hair from the boy's face. Rather than replying, though, Zayn just nodded while keeping his head down, obviously embarrassed about having a nightmare at fifteen years old. "S'alright, happens to the best of us. Sit up for me a bit, yeah?"

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