twenty two

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Louis was sat outside the school waiting patiently for his mother to pick him up, however, the entire time he was waiting there was only one thing on his mind. One person on his mind: Zayn. Ever since Liam talked, well, yelled at him about never visiting the boy, Louis could not get the thought out of his head. He couldn't believe how selfish he had been throughout this whole thing. I mean, he hadn't even texted the boy.

Being so caught up in his own thoughts Louis didn't notice his mum's car pulling up in front of the school until he heard her shout his name. Once he shook himself from his thoughts, the boy balanced himself under his crutches as he made his way over to the car where his mum was already out and ready to help him get in.

"Have a good first full day back?" Jay asks her son with a smile.

"Yeah it was great. Got big, warm welcomes," Louis says, though, his tone wasn't as joyful as he had originally felt of all this.

"Something wrong, love?" Jay asks upon immediately hearing her son's hesitance.

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine. S'just, uh, do you think we could go to the hospital early today? I, um, I wanted to go hang out with Zayn."

And without even replying Jay just smiles as she nods her head before kissing the boy's cheek. From there the two begin to make their way down to the hospital which doesn't take too long. Once they arrived, though, Louis had to hesitate to open the door before finally he began to make his way in.

As the boy made his way into the building he greeted the nurses at the front before going over to the elevator. Once he was in the elevator, though, the ride that is typically quick felt like as if it would never end. The entire time the boy was traveling up to the floor where he knew he would find Zayn he couldn't help but think maybe the boy will want nothing to do with him.

Eventually, though, the elevator arrived on the fourth floor, however, immediately Louis could tell something was off. Typically the nurses are smiling as they walk around and the sound of music can be heard from Zayn's room. But today, today was different. Nonetheless, though, Louis continued to walk over to the front desk to sign in, however, before he arrives he's stopped.

"Louis? What are you doing here? Your therapy isn't for another hour," Niall says.

"I, uh, I came to visit Zayn. You know, see if he wanted catch up maybe play some video games," Louis said as he lifted himself on his crutches for a moment - a new nervous tick of his.

Before Niall can speak, though, Louis notices the color drain from his face as he lets out a sigh.

"Louis, uh, why don't we go have a seat?" Niall says as he leads Louis over to a set of chairs.

For a couple of moments everything is silent between the two, and honestly Louis can almost feel the anxiety in the air and it doesn't leave him feeling too good.

"Louis, Zayn isn't doing well," Niall starts.

"What do you mean? I saw him going home last Friday," Louis replies with a confused look, but deep inside he knows what Niall is saying.

"He did go home, but things didn't stay good for the weekend," Niall tries to explain but Louis still looks confused, so with a sigh the man continues. "Zayn was admitted into the ICU last night and was put into a medically induced coma."

And that obviously grasped Louis' attention, however, he's not even the one that reacted next.

"You're lying," Liam said from in front of the two seated in the plastic, waiting room chairs. "Tell me you're lying."

"Liam, come here," Niall says softly, however, the boy just shakes his hair.

"No! No, no you're lying. Zayn's fine," Liam says with a raised voice as he runs over to the boy's room only to find it empty.

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