Happy Birthday

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Emma's POV
October 23...My 18th birthday. Today everything would finally change for the better. After spending 18 years going back and forth between families who didn't want me, I could actually be on my own as of today.

The last 4 years I've spent in the same foster home. That's the longest I've ever been in one home. Mary Margret and David are great but I think once they found out they were going to have Neal they kind of gave up on me. Maybe it's because it was around the same time I found out I was also pregnant with Henry.

Henry is my three year old son. He is the reason I was even able to stay with Mary and David. I was 14 when I had a one time affair with Jesse Neil. He was 17 and very attractive. We barely knew each other but I had pushed having sex because I recently discovered I'm a lesbian and I didn't want it to be true. It definitely is. I am more than grateful to have Henry. He is the most amazing, brightest and sweetest little boy. He has also been my motivation.

After I had told my foster family I was pregnant David pulled some strings with a friend of his and got me a waitressing job at a fancy restaurant downtown. Ever since then, I have been doing as much as I possibly could to finish high school and take care of Henry. I've also been both get my own car and save enough money to sign for my own apartment. It's two bedrooms and it's absolutely perfect for us. We're able to move in in a week.

As for High School, I was able to graduate early this past spring. I put in a crazy amount of work and I couldn't be more proud of myself.
This summer, I started taking classes at a community college down the street from me. I'm going to keep taking classes as long as I can still afford it taking care of Henry and myself.

My best friend from High School Ruby got a job along side me at the restaurant I work at. She also offered to help me with Henry. She said when I'm working or in class she can take him some times and I won't have to pay her so that I won't have to pay a sitter all the time. I don't know what I would do without her.

I am so excited to be able to move on my own. It's always been just me and Henry but now I'm actually able to go out and take care of us completely. It feels so rewarding.

Regina POV
It's October 21st. It's been a week since I left home. Yeah I'm 21, but my mom has spent my entire life controlling every little thing that I do. It was her choice when I would leave and how I would spend my life working. She dictated every detail of my life. I couldn't do it anymore. I was tired of having to pretend to be in love with Daniel. I'm not and I never was. I could never be.

Daniel is the boy that my mother set me up with. His family is rich. They own pretty much all of the businesses in our small town. Since I was 18 I was forced to be with him. When I protested to my mother she threatened to disown me. At that time, I wasn't ready for it. We came to an agreement that I would be with Daniel if she would allow me to go to college. She said I would never need it because being with Daniel would mean being taken care of forever and never having to lift a finger. That might be how she lives but I didn't want that.

I decided to go to school to be a social worker. I wanted to help kids. I wanted to help kids find the best families possible. Families that would accept that no matter what and love them completely. It only took me 5 semesters to graduate with a degree. I just graduated this fall.

I found a job at the child protect services a few miles outside of my home town. I broke up with Daniel and told him I was sorry that I could never love him. He understood because he loved someone else. I told my mother that Daniel and I were done. I didn't tell her he loved another because he asked me not to tell anyone. She was so angry with me. Why not add to the anger and tell her I also got a job? She told me how disappointed she was in me because I wanted to leave. How could she be so disappointed in me for doing everything I've ever wanted and doing it on my own? Once she told me she wouldn't accept that, I told her that's fine and she didn't have to. I was leaving on my own.

Without another word I went to my room and packed my things. I tried to tell her goodbye and that I loved her but she just acted as if I didn't exist.

The last week has been so free. I've been working doing something I make crappy pay doing but I love it. I really feel like I'm helping people. What could be more amazing than this? I don't have to answer to anyone at home. I can sit on the couch in my baggy T-shirts and underwear eating ice cream and watching movies until I fall asleep. I wake up in the morning and then I go to a job I actually like.

I haven't really made many friends but I have been hit on a lot. Mostly by men that are way older than me. I'm not interested in them. I've never been attracted to men. When I was in high school, I had a short fling with this beautiful girl who was my best friend. But as soon as mother got word I had to end it and begin dating Daniel.

I don't have to worry about that anymore. I can see whoever I want. Maybe I could start looking.

A/N okay so this is my first fan fic but I'm always reading tons of them. I want to keep this going so if I get some reads I will update ASAP.

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