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Emma's POV

It's been about a month since Robin kissed me at the arcade. Regina and Zelena have been getting along really well. Henry really like Roland too. I haven't had the heart to tell Regina about Robin. It hurts to hold this secret from her but it's not like it meant anything at all.

Robin acts like nothing happened. Every once in a while I'll catch him looking at me in a way I wish he didn't but it's not often. He hasn't tried anything else. He has barely even talked to me since I denied him.

We all spend a good amount of time together. We've gotten together once a week since we went out for pizza. Mostly this has consisted of meeting at one of our homes for food and a game with the kids.

It warms my heart to see Roland and Henry together. Obviously Henry has Neal too but we haven't seen them too much lately. Mary Margret has called to have us over but every time she has, we've already had plans with Zelena.

Then there's Regina and Zelena together. Regina is so happy. It's not like she wasn't before but this is different. She finally has family that accepts her for her and even wants to be apart of her life. They are so much alike. I don't know if they see it but I do. They're mannerisms are so similar they'd have to be family.

I get along really well with Zelena too. It kind of feels like I have a sister. She's so caring. I've never experienced the love of a sibling. The foster families that I spent time with all had kids that bullied me. Growing up, I was small and quiet so they picked on me constantly. Eventually I learned to fight back and that didn't sit well with the families. But Zelena actually cares about me. About us.

Sometimes I wonder if Robin ever told Zelena about what happened. That sounds dumb because really would anyone tell their significant other if something like that happened? Plus would Zelena treat me this well if she knew?

Tonight we're going out just the adults. It'll be nice to have a night out. It's been a couple months since we've had time without kids. Don't get me wrong, I love Henry more than anything in this world but sometimes he can be a hand full. I always miss him though when we're away for a night. I sometimes feel guilty for leaving him.

Henry is going over to Mary Margret and David's tonight. He's excited which makes the guilt less heavy. Mary Margret is excited because she hasn't seen me in so log and the woman misses her gossip. By gossip I mean every detail of my relationship. It's okay though. I know she just cares and that's sort of nice. Regina and I are both dropping Henry off and we're going to have lunch with them.

I basically just hopped out of the shower and slid on some skinny jeans with a sweat shirt. All I did was comb through my hair and didn't bother with makeup. I was standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Regina walked in wearing a pair of leggings with a long sleeve t-shirt. She had her hair in a ponytail and a little bit of mascara on. She looked absolutely stunning. I smiled at the sight of her.

"What?" She asked. I turned on the faucet, leaned over the sink and spit. I rinsed off my tooth brush and my mouth. I stood up and grabbed Regina by her hips. "You just look beautiful." I smiled at the sight of her lips pulling into a smile. I kissed her before she could speak. "Ew Moms" Henry said passing the bathroom. Regina and I chuckled. "He's so passed his age." Regina laughed. "Trust me I know. I've been dealing with this forever." I said passing her through the door.

"You ready for Gram and Gramps kid?" I walked into Henry's room. Henry was packing his backpack with a couple of toys. He nodded. "You pack clothes in there of just toys?" I asked. He walked to the dresser and pulled out his favorite pjs. Then shoved them into the bag. "All done." He smiled. I kissed the top of his head. He looked up at me, smiled and then ran past me.

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