Is this a date?

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A/N sorry guys. With it being Halloween week/weekend I was super busy!! But I'm doing this as quick as I can. :)

Emma's POV
I woke up feeling someone tapping on my arm. "Mama.. Wake up." I opened my eyes to see big brown eyes in front of me. I looked up and saw the clock said 345am. "Come on kid." I said as I patted the empty spot beside me. He quickly laid down and cuddled into me. I kissed his forehead and fell back asleep.

When I woke up again it was to my alarm. It was 830. I have class at 1030 so I have to get up and get ready to take Henry to Ruby's and head to class. I looked over and saw Henry was still asleep. I love this little boy so much. I can't believe that this perfect little human could come from someone like me. I decided not to wake him just yet.

I got up showered, got dressed in my usual jeans and a sweatshirt, and threw on a small amount of makeup. By that time it was 915. I sat down on the side of my bed and gently shook Henry out of his sleep.

"Hey kid. Time to get up. You have to go to Ruby's for a little bit." He opened his eyes and stretched his arms. He smiled at me while he sat up. "Can I wear my Dino sweatshirt today?" I chuckled and brushed my hand through his hair. "Of course Hen." He smiled and jumped out of bed and ran to his room.

He is obsessed with dinosaurs. He is also obsessed with fairytales. Sometimes he pretends like everyone we know is a fairytale character from his book.

I reached over to my stand beside my bed and grabbed my phone. I didn't have any messages and I was kind of disappointed. I don't know why. I barely ever have any messages when I wake up. I opened a text to Ruby and said "Hey Rubs, getting Henry dressed and then we'll be over. Do I need to bring anything for him? Thank you so much for watching him." I hit send and put my phone in my pocket.

Just then Henry ran in with his black sweatshirt and khaki pants on. He was holding his shoes and socks in his hands. He's very independent and loves to dress himself but he has trouble with his shoes sometimes.

I patted the bed beside me and he crawled up. I grabbed his socks and put them on and then his shoes. He wrapped his arms around my neck and knocked me backwards onto the mattress. I started tickling his sides and it threw him into a fit of laughter. "Okay kid we gotta go now so I'm not late."

We got up and I walked to the kitchen to grab my back pack and keys. We walked out the door and I locked it behind us. Henry grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. I buckled Henry into his seat and got into the drivers side. Before I knew it we were at Ruby's. I left the car running and got out to get Henry out. We walked up to Ruby's door and before I could knock she swung it open. Henry jumped into her arms. "Hey bud! You ready for a fun day?" She asked him. "Can we make up stories a again?" I smiled at that. "Of course we can. Don't we always?" He nodded. He came back to me and wrapped his arms around my legs. "Bye mama." "Bye Henry. I'll see you later okay? Be good. I have a surprise for you later." He looked up at me with a confused look. "I will." He said as he ran into the house. "Thanks again Ruby. I'll only be a couple hours. I'll see you at 230." I said. "No problem Em. Have a good day."

I turned around to go back to the car and drove off. I smiled as my thoughts went back to the fact that I would be seeing Regina later. It was only a few minutes before I pulled up to the school.

I'm sitting at home with Henry and we're playing video games. I decided to get us some pizza tonight for dinner. We ate about a half an hour ago and it's now almost 5. We've been playing this racing game since we finished our pizza. Henry keeps beating me because I can't concentrate.

I keep thinking about the beautiful brunette who would be showing up here soon with our dessert. I wonder if she's doing this to be friendly because of Henry. Maybe she needs friends? All the possibilities of why she could possibly want to come over kept running through my head. Then a light know on the door pulled me away from my thoughts. I got off the couch and looked at myself in the mirror on my way to the door. I ran my hands down my shirt and jeans and then opened the door.

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