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Emma's POV

Emma: Zelena please just come over here soon. I can't take much more of the Bridezilla herself. You're the only one who can talk to her.

Zelena: Darling calm down. I'll be over within the hour. Just don't tell her I'm coming. It's better if we surprise her.

I agreed and said goodbye before ending the call.

It's been a year since Regina proposed to me. We decided to start planning right away but to put off the ceremony for the year in order to plan accordingly.

I love this woman to death but she is driving me insane. Every single detail of the entire wedding has to be absolutely perfect and up to her standards or she completely rips the head off of anyone involved.

I'm pretty laid back. I did decide to wear a dress but other than that I didn't really have much say in anything. It's not that I don't care. I would love our wedding to be perfect but I think it will be perfect regardless because I get to marry the woman of my dreams.

However Regina is completely opposite. She has every single thing planned specifically and won't settle for anything less than what she wants.

I should've always expected this from her. It's her personality and I wouldn't change it. But I do wish that she would chill out and take a break from the wedding plans for a while. Not that I'd tell her that. That's why I called Zelena.

Her sister has been so much of a help this last year. They've become so much closer and so have Zelena and I.

Zelena has kind of been my rock. She's been so helpful. Whenever Regina gets a little too out of hand with all the wedding details, I can just call her and she'll be able to come over and help calm Regina down.

As much as everything has been great between Regina and I, there has been a little tension due to her obsession with this wedding. Sometimes when something goes wrong, she ends up taking it out on me. It's unintentional I know but it's still hard to deal with sometimes.

I walked out of the bathroom, where I'd snuck off to call Zelena.

I could already hear Regina yelling at whoever she was on the phone with.

"No. I specifically asked for red roses with black accents and silver gems. I already paid you and I expect them to be correct." She yelled at the person on the phone.

"I will be expecting to see them before the wedding. I will not allow you to show up to my wedding with some monstrosity you call a flower."

"Great. I will be stopping in on Thursday to check them out. If they aren't correct, I'm counting on a full refund and a referral to someone who can get my order right." She hung up.

I took a deep breath before approaching her.

"God Emma. You'd think these people haven't owned a business before. The customer is always right. Don't they know that?" She asked slightly louder than a normal voice.

"I don't know much about any of this babe. I've already told you, all I care about is you walking down the aisle to me." I shrugged.

This caused her to smile for a moment but it was quickly put away when her phone rang again.

I left her to argue and joined Henry on the couch.

"Is mommy ever going to stop yelling at those people on the phone Mama?" He asked quietly.

"Soon kid. After this wedding's over mom will be back to her normal self. You know she's just stressed out." I said ruffling his hair.

He just shrugged and continued with the homework he was working on. He's 6 now and in the first grade. I can't believe how fast time has flown.

I leaned my head back on the couch. I tried to focus on just breathing but with all that was going on around me I found it hard to concentrate on anything.

There was a knock at the door and Henry jumped up to answer it. Of course I followed behind him because he wasn't tall enough to see who was knocking. I figured it was just Zelena but I couldn't be sure.

"Auntie Zelena." Henry squealed when he opened the door.

"Hello Henry." She said reaching down to pick him up for a hug. "You're definitely getting too big to keep picking up anymore."

He chuckled when she set him down and got excited again once he noticed she'd brought Roland along. He hugged my legs but him and Henry soon ran off to Henry's room to play.

"Thank you so much for coming over Z. You know she spends all day on that phone yelling at some person on the other end. I don't know what to do." I said quiet enough so that Regina couldn't hear me.

"I'll talk to her Emma." Zelena said rubbing my arm for comfort.

I nodded my head toward the kitchen where Regina currently was and Zelena made her way in. She was no longer on the phone so this made it a lot easier for Zelena to begin talking to her. I stood out of the way but close enough so that I could listen obviously.

"Zelena what are you doing here?" Regina asked surprised.

"Your fiancé asked me to come over. How are you feeling today? Any more under control than the last time I was over here?"

Regina let out a small chuckle. "I don't know why Emma keeps asking you to come check on me. She could do it."

"Honey, I think she has tried to reassure you and get you to not take everything so seriously. But do you listen?" Zelena asked but Regina didn't respond. "I have an idea. I don't know if you'll go for it. I actually haven't even asked Emma yet but I'm sure she won't mind. How about we all go camping for a weekend?"

Regina really laughed now. "Camping? Really?"

"Oh come on Regina. It'll be fun. The three of us. I'll ask Marcus. Emma's friend Ruby and her boyfriend can join. The kids can come too. Has Henry ever been camping?" Zelena insisted.

"Well I don't think he has. He would love it." She paused. "But will I have cell phone service? What if something goes wrong with the wedding plans while we gone?"

"There will not be service and those calls can wait until we get back. I think you need this. All this stress isn't good for you. It's not good for your relationship either."

Regina thought about it for a second. "Okay fine." She sighed.

I walked into the kitchen then. "How's it going in here?" I asked the two of them.

"Great love. Regina has agreed that we should all go camping this weekend."

"I love camping. Henry will be very excited. He and Roland can share a tent." I smiled at the thought.

Regina looked unhappy about it. She stood arms crossed on chest. I had the feeling she didn't go camping often or probably ever. I stepped up next to her.

"Are you okay?" I placed my hand on top of her arms.

"I've never been camping." She bit her lip.

"Awe baby. Don't worry about it. It's fun. I used to go with my parents all the time. You'll love it." I gave her a reassuring smile.

She let her arms drop to her sides. "Okay fine." She huffed.

I kissed her lightly on top of her nose. She tried to fight it but a smile appeared on her face. "I can't wait to tell Henry."

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