You're too young

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A/N: As always thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy this chapter. You're all amazing!

Regina's POV

My mother decided to drop in out of nowhere on Henry's birthday party. I can't say that she was THAT bad but she was bad enough that I had to get drunk to handle it.

I don't usually drink that much but I needed it. I ended up hugging the toilet instantly regretting drinking all that wine. Thank goodness Emma was there to take care of me. I can't tell you how many times I got too drunk when I was a teenager with my friends, due to my mother being a bitch, and I had to take care of myself.

Emma really is a princess. She's my savior. She could've been mad at me for drinking that much but she wasn't. She was sweet and kind. She carried me to bed and set me up with water and something to puke my guts into. She is perfect.

I woke up to an empty bed. I'm usually always up before Emma. I took a look at the alarm clock next to me and I saw 12:30 in big red numbers. The room was dark still because Emma left the blinds closed. Most likely to save me from the sunlight. It didn't matter though because my head feels like someone is pounding a nail into my skull.

I slowly got out of bed being sure not to shake my head. I found the bottle of ibprofen and glass of water. I shook three pills into my hand and swallowed them down. I grabbed my red silk robe from the hook on the back of the closet and pulled it up my arms.

I made my out into the living room and found no one. Weird. I checked in Henry's room next and they weren't here either. The next place to check was the kitchen but they weren't in there either. Instead I found a note on the counter next to the coffee pot.

Good morning beautiful. Henry and I decided to go for a walk. I wanted to let you sleep off the hangover. We'll be back soon. Coffee is ready to be made. You just have to hit start. Call me if you need anything.

Love, Emma

I smiled at the note. I'll let them have some time together. I hit start on the coffee pot and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water and put the stopped in to allow the tub to fill up. I turned to the cupboard and pulled out the bubble bath and dumped in a good amount. I grabbed a towel and set it on the counter with the sink. I shut the light out and let only the light from the window shine through. I dropped my robe and slid into the water.

The water felt nice. It was warm and soft from the bubbles. I laid my head back against the tub and closed my eyes. I stayed like that for a while but then the water started to get cold. I got out and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my body, walking into the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed was a bouquet of daisies. I smiled, picking up the flowers and bringing them to my nose. I set them back down and pulled on some sweats and a tshirt. I grabbed the flowers on my way out to the kitchen so I could put them in a vase. Henry and Emma were sitting at the table with a book. I set the flowers down and immediately went to Emma. I pulled her out of the chair by putting my hands on her cheeks. I kissed her so hard and with so much passion. We broke a part due to laughing when Henry yelled ew!

Emma joined Henry again at the table as I put the flowers in water. Then I sat with them too. Henry started yawning so we knew it was nap time. He agreed as long as we let him lay on the couch and watch a movie until he fell asleep so we did. It wasn't long before he was out. I looked at Emma. "We need to talk." She said. We both got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Thank you for the flowers, dear." I smiled. "You're welcome." She answered quickly before continuing. "You need to talk to your mother. I don't know exactly what her intention was last night but we can't just ignore her now. If you want, I can be by your side and I'll support whatever you want to do about it but something has to be said. You do need to give her a chance. She made an effort. You can't just yell at her for the past when she's clearly making some kind of movement Regina. Can't you just make an effort too? I'm not saying to forgive her because believe me baby, I know how much she's hurt you. But Henry seemed to like her last night." I looked at her for a moment just to take in what she said. "Emma.. I don't know what to do. I clearly can't handle being around her without alcohol. I feel bad for flipping out on her last night because you're right she didn't know much about Henry. I guess I owe her an opportunity to at least talk. I'm just so nervous. I don't want to let her back into my life again just for her to wedge her way in between us." I said sadly.

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