Were sleeping in that?

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Regina's POV

"Mommy! Are you excited to go camping? We can fish and have fires and make smores and play games." Henry exclaimed.

"I'm excited to spend time with you and Mama."

Truth is I am nervous. Camping wasn't something my family ever did. I know Henry and Emma are both excited so that's what im going off of. Plus relaxing for a weekend will be nice.

It was a long drive to the grounds were going to. Emma and I road in one car with a lot of supplies packed in the back. We followed behind Zelena and Marcus and Ruby and Graham followed behind us.

I could tell we were getting closer once I looked at my phone and I saw I no longer had service. I started to fidget and I know Emma picked up on it. She placed her hand on mine. I looked over to her and smiled.

"Come on Gina. It's just camping. I don't know why you're so nervous." Emma reassured me.

I shrugged. "I'm not nervous per say. It's just I've never been camping. Plus leaving all the wedding stuff on the side for so long. What if something goes wrong?"

"Honey, camping is fun. Henry is so excited to be going and having you come along. The wedding stuff will still be there when we get back. If something goes wrong we can worry about it then. Okay?" Emma squeezed my hand.

I nodded.

"Besides I hate seeing you so stressed out. I just wanna see you happy."

I frowned. "Emma, I am happy. Even if I'm stressed. You and Henry. You make me happy."

"I know love." She smiled and moved her hand. "Look, I think we're here."

She put the car in park but I didn't move. Emma leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"I love you so much." She said and then kissed my cheek.

"I love you too."

Emma hopped out of the car and walked to open the hatch. Henry opened his door and quickly got out. Then he opened my door.

"Come on mom. Let's help mama so we can set up our tents." He smiled.

I stepped out and lifted him up.

"Of course baby." I kissed his hair and went to help Emma unload the car.

It took us about 15 minutes and we had everything out. The coolers were set near a picnic table and the tents on the ground a few feet away from the fire pit.

"Mama! Tent?" Emma nodded and her and Henry went to pitch Henry's tent.

I sat at he picnic table digging through the cooler for a bottle of water.

Zelena and Ruby sat down across from me. "The boys are getting food ready." Zelena said.

"Good. I'm hungry." Ruby huffed.

"You're always hungry." I pointed out and she shrugged.

"So is your wife." Ruby laughed.

"Touché." I laughed.

We shared a few stories before Emma joined us at the table. She leaned down to give me a kiss before sitting.

"You're already sweaty." I said.

"Our bedroom is all ready to go my queen." She chuckled and pointed.

There was a small red tent where I could see Roland and Henry playing inside. Next to that there was a black tent that was only a little bit bigger.

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