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Regina's POV

As I was sitting in my office the events of last night played through my mind. I knew from the moment that the blonde opened the door for her home visit that I wanted her. There was an instant attraction. I never imagined it would lead to her kissing me. I never even thought I would be going back to her house not long after. I don't regret it at all but it's so strange to be so into someone.

Although I've dated before, it's never been serious. I only had one relationship in which I actually had feeling for the other person but it didn't last very long due to my mother.

This time though, I had nothing to worry about with her. Thinking about that made me happy. I could possibly have a future with her. I mean if that's what she wants. I don't know why I'm thinking about a future. I've only even seen her twice.

I smiled and my fingers brushed over my lips. It was the same place the blondes lips has been last night. I pulled myself out of my thoughts.

I really need to get some work done. I started going through the papers on my desk. Before I knew it it was time for me to go home. I actually did get all my work done even though there was a certain blonde invading my thoughts.

I went to my car and took at my phone like I always do. I didn't have any messages so I started my car and headed home. I got out of my car and went into my building. I unlocked my door and headed into my bedroom. I set all of my things down and checked my phone again, still nothing.

I don't know why I just expected Emma to talk to me. I just didn't want to push too hard. She was the one who had wanted to get to know me last night. Not that I didn't want to get to know her because believe me I did. But she's the one who initiated it. She's the one who kissed me. Why hadn't she tried to get ahold of me all day?

I wonder if she's sitting at home thinking the same thing as me. I decided to call her. I picked up my phone. My eyes scanned my contacts until I came across the name Emma. I smiled and clicked the name. The phone rang 3 times before I got her voicemail. I furrowed my eyebrows and hung up the phone. I decided to take a bath and take my mind off of it for a while.

I ran some water and stripped of my clothes. I sat down, leaned my back against the tub and closed my eyes. Just then my phone started to ring. I hurried to answer it. "Hello?" "Hi Regina. Sorry I didn't answer. I was cooking dinner." Said the sweet voice. "That's okay Emma. What did you cook?" I asked her. "Grilled cheese." "Oh. I'm not a very big fan of grilled cheese." I said. "What? Are you kidding me? That's our favorite." She said excitedly. I laughed. "Anyway what are you up to?" She asked. I forgot I was in the bath. "Oh, just taking a bath." "Well Regina, I think every time we're talking you're taking a bath." She chuckled. "What can I say I love baths?" I responded while laughing. "That's adorable." She said. I smiled and I'm glad she couldn't see me blush. "How was your day Emma?" I asked her. "Pretty busy. I had school and I worked a few hours. That's why I haven't talked to you all day." She said.

I realized I never even thought she might be busy. I just figured she was avoiding me. "I figured you were busy. It's okay. I was too." I answered. I lied. "So Regina.." She said. "Yes?" "When will I get to see you again?" I smiled. I'm glad she wants to see me. "Well tomorrow I have that dinner with my friend from work. But sometime this weekend would be okay if it's not too soon." I laughed. I could here her laugh a little too. "Oh yeah. I forgot you told me about your dinner. Sometime this weekend would be nice. I will text you later and we can talk about it. I have to go now. Have a good bath. Bye." I said Bye and then hung up.

Emma's POV

I haven't been able to talk to Regina all day but I haven't been able to take my mind off of her. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing her lips felt against mine. She beautiful lips with the small scar right above her top lip.

After I had class this morning and worked a few hours, I picked Henry up from Ruby's and we stopped at Mary Margret and David's. I haven't seen them since I moved out. I've barely even talked to them. They weren't my parents legally but they still felt like it. They did take care of me and Henry.

We talked a little and Henry played with Neal. I didn't mention anything about Regina. We aren't anything. It doesn't matter if I tell them. We left after about two hours.

When we got back home I pulled my phone out to see a missed call from the girl that's been clouding my thoughts all day. I immediately called her back. Toward the end of our conversation she mentioned something about the dinner that she was going to. I felt jealous. I don't know if it's a date but it could be. Regina is such a beautiful woman. I'm sure that she probably went on many dates. Last night was probably just another regular date for her.

I should've stepped it up. I should've taken her out. Just her and I. I barely know this girl and I already have strong feelings for her. When were together there's just this pull. I don't know how to even explain it. She did say that she wants to see me again. I smiled at this thought. She actually wants to see me again. I'll text her tonight and ask her on a real date.

I got up and went into Henry's room where he was playing on his floor. "You ready for a bath kid?" I asked him. He turned his head toward me. "Can Rex take a bath too?" He ask holding his dinosaur in the air. "Yep. Come on. I'll run water." I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. Henry walked in behind me and took off his clothes. He jumped right into the tub splashing me with water. I laughed at him. He loves baths. After his bath he got into pajamas and got into bed. Tonight we were reading the story about the mad hatter. It wasn't long before he was asleep. I went to my room put on my own pajamas. I laid in bed and flipped the TV to Law and Order. I pulled out my phone and texted Regina.

Emma: I need to ask you something.
I sent the text hoping it didn't sound to harsh.

Regina: Okay, shoot.
Emma: Would you maybe want to go on a real date with me this weekend?
She didn't respond right away. Maybe I was wrong to ask her on a date.
Emma: Don't feel like you have to say yes. It's okay if you don't want to.
Regina: Oh Emma. I would love to go on a date with you (:

I smiled.

Emma: A real date this time. I'll get a sitter for Henry Saturday night?
Regina: well I was expecting Henry to come. He's just the sweetest little boy.

I reread the text again... Was she being sarcastic?

Regina: I'm kidding...
Regina: about him coming with us not about him being sweet.
Regina: he is sweet (:
Emma: He really likes you. (: Okay dinner for two.
Regina: Sounds great dear. I'm sorry to cut this short but I'm exhausted and I have to work in the morning. I will talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Emma: Goodnight.

I plugged in my phone and soon after I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I had a date this weekend with the most gorgeous girl I've ever met.

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