Are we official?

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Regina's POV

Emma and I have been on 5 dates since our first. It's been 2 months since then. It's crazy how quickly I am falling in love with that girl.

Our second date I took Emma ice skating. She wasn't very good but she held onto me the whole time and it was so sweet.

The next date she made me dinner at her apartment. It wasn't anything spectacular. She made us tacos. Then we made brownies together and ended up having a fight with powdered sugar.

After our little food fight, we sat on the floor laughing and stealing kisses. I remember the conversation we had that night so clearly.

"These brownies aren't gonna taste as good now that we used all the powdered sugar." I said laughing. "Maybe, but you look gorgeous covered in all of this." Emma said. I smiled at her and then kissed her nose. "Emma, you always look gorgeous." She scrunched up her nose. God did she look beautiful. "Regina, I need to tell you something." She said. "Then tell me." I said. I looked at her face for any hint of what she could possibly want to say. "I need you to know that I really like you. Like a lot." I smiled when I heard those words. "Me too my Emma." Then I pulled her close. I kissed her gently at first but it deepened when she put her hand on the back of my neck.

We broke apart and she looked me in the eyes. "Stay with me tonight?" She asked. I didn't respond at first. "Just to sleep Regina. I just want to sleep with you close to me." Emma said. "Of course." I smiled and kissed her again.

We didn't do anything but sleep that night and that's how I wanted it. I didn't want to rush into anything with her because it's just so real with her.

Our third date I made dinner. I had both her and Henry over. Henry was so excited because he really loves me apartment. I made them lasagna. Emma said it was her new favorite meal.

The next date was a picnic in this park during my lunch break at work. Emma called and said she had a surprise and she needed to meet me immediately. So I took my break and she brought me grilled cheese and a root beer in this basket. Along with a blanket for us to sit on.

Last weekend we went to a movie. It was some comedy. I don't remember a lot because I couldn't stop thinking about Emma's thumb rubbing circles on my thigh as we watched. Every once in a while I would turn my head toward her and find her staring. It was my favorite thing of the night.

Tonight we are going to go on our 6th date. We are going to a hibachi restaurant that Emma told me about. I'm hoping tonight that I can officially make her my girlfriend. Truth is I've been thinking about it basically since I met her so I hope she wants it too.

I'm planning on asking her on our walk back to my apartment after dinner. It's a nice night and my place is so close to the restaurant so she's just driving here and we're gonna walk.

At 10 after 7 I hear a knock at my door. I hop off the couch excited knowing exactly who it is. "Look who's late." I say opening the door. "I'm so sorry. Blame Henry." She laughed. "You know that I would never be mad at him so that's not fair." I laughed. She kissed me on the cheek. "I know." She smirked. "You look beautiful by the way!" "Just trying to flatter me so you're off the hook huh?" I said. "Is it working?" She asked. "Maybe..." I smiled. She pulled me in to kiss me. "Okay Emma. I forgive you. Let's not be even more late to dinner." I said as I pulled away. "You know I'll never turn down food." She said and I laughed.

We walked to the restaurant hand in hand not saying much. When we got there we got sat at a table with 4 other people already sitting. I laid my hand on Emma's thigh under the table because when I was with her I couldn't stand not touching her in some way. I am like magnetically pulled to her at all times.

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