Missing You

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Regina's POV
I got back to my office about an hour ago and I've just been sitting here staring at the wall. I couldn't concentrate on doing work with a certain blonde on my mind.

She is just so beautiful. I've known that I'm gay for years but I've never met anyone that I've been so attracted to. I wish that it wasn't a case of mine. I told her that I would come back over even though it probably would have consequences. It would be okay right?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my coworker Belle knocked on the door. "Hey, Regina. You had the home visit with the Swan case today right?" She asked and I nodded. "How did everything go?"

Belle is probably the only person I've connected with her at work. She's around my age and she's very nice. Sometimes she's a little nosey though and she asks a lot of questions. "It went very well. I don't see why Miss Swan wouldn't be capable of taking care of her son. The apartment was nice and she seems to have things together. I'm going to file the paperwork and close the case." I answered her. "I'm glad it went well. I'm so jealous you got that case. It's been the talk of the office." I laughed. "Don't be jealous Belle. I'm sure they wouldn't have questioned giving you the case if you hadn't been here for so long. Conflict of interest and all. You're very good at this job." Belle smiled at me as she walked toward me. She put her hand on my arm. "Thank you Regina. That's very sweet of you."

That contact was kind of uncomfortable for me. I'm not one for touching. Except for when I met Emma. I wanted to touch every inch of her milky skin. "It's no problem Belle." I said as I leaned back in my chair to move away from her touch.

"So I've been meaning to ask you if you want to go out for dinner after work one day this week." Belle said. "Yeah Belle. I don't have many friends here yet so it would be a good idea to get off my couch for a night." She let out a little laugh. "How does Thursday sound?" She asked me and I nodded. "Okay, Thursday it is. I should probably get back to work so I'll see you later." She said as she walked out the door.

I started thinking about Belle asking me to get dinner. I hope that she didn't think this was a date. I quickly shook the thought out of my head. Belle is definitely straight. This will be fun though. It will be nice to have a friend.

I got all the paperwork together from my meeting with Emma. I smiled as I stamped closed on the top of the stack and put it into a folder. I put that folder into the filing cabinet, got my coat and purse, and left my office for the day.

I got to my car and took my phone out. I noticed I had a couple messages from numbers I didn't know. I opened the first one.
Unknown: I'm so happy you decided to come with me on Thursday Regina. :)

I forgot I'd given my number to Belle last week when we were talking about a case. She hadn't given me hers though. I quickly saved her number and replied back.
Regina: I'm also glad. It should be fun. Where are we going?
I hit send and almost instantly got a reply back.
Belle: I was thinking Italian?
Regina: I love Italian. Sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow and we can figure out more.
Belle: Okay, see you tomorrow. ;)
I ignored the winky face figuring it was a typo and moved on to my other unread messages.

Unknown: Hello Regina. This is Emma. I know you just left but I wanted to make sure you had my number.
Emma: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have texted you already. That was dumb. I don't want to annoy you.
Regina: Oh Emma. I was working and I left my phone in my car. I will save your number. Don't ever think you're annoying.

I sent the text. I was so happy to see the blonde had texted me. I didn't get a text back quickly so I put my seatbelt on and started toward my home.

When I pulled up to my building, I collected my things and headed inside. I unlocked the door and set my things on the counter. It had been a long day so I was feeling like taking a bath. I went to the bathroom and started the water.

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