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Emma's POV

I was surprised when I woke up. I looked around and realized I was on the couch with a blanket over top of me. I could smell coffee and I could hear Henry laughing and some music. Henry can't be doing this himself, I thought. Then I remembered that I actually fell asleep next to him with a certain brunette. I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. I made my way to the kitchen and I couldn't help but smile. I stood at the entrance without being noticed and took in the scene in front of me. The way Henry and Regina interacted with each other was so beautiful to see. Henry was laughing so much while he helped Regina prepare breakfast. They were dancing to the songs while making batter for pancakes.

"Morning." I said. They both jumped. "Gosh mama. You scared me." Henry said. Regina smiled at me. "Good morning, Emma. Are you hungry?" "I'm starved." I responded. "Me and Gina making pancakes!" Henry said pointing to the bowl. "I see that kid. Are they gonna be good?" I asked. He turned his face to Regina and she nodded. Yup was all he responded. They continued cooking. I made myself a cup of coffee and watched them once again. This is definitely something I could get used to seeing.

It wasn't long before there was a stack of pancakes along with some slices of bacon. Henry ran to the fridge to grab some syrup and butter and set it on the table. Regina carried the food to the table and I followed with plates and silverware. "It smells so good guys." I smiled. I love pancakes. It's my favorite breakfast. Henry loves them too.

Henry sat down across from me and pointed for Regina to sit next to him. I put two little pancakes on a plate for him, rubbed a little butter on them and then handed him the plate. He grabbed the syrup and dumped on a good puddle before setting it back down. I grabbed myself a big stack of pancakes and dumped even more syrup on mine. Regina laughed at the two of us before taking two pancakes and two slices of bacon. She poured herself a small amount of syrup onto a separate plate.

"That's all you want?" I asked. "I'm not a big breakfast eater." She said. "More for us then." I smiled. Henry and I both sure had a sweet tooth. We all ate in silence. Regina only had the one plate so Henry and I finished the rest quickly.

"That was so good Regina. Thank you." I said to her while cleaning up the table. "I've barely had any chance to break in the kitchen yet." She opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by Henry. "Mama. I ate so much. I need nap." I could only laugh. "Go lay down bud. I'll come check on you after I clean up." He just nodded and walked to his room.

"Do you need some help?" Regina asked. "No way! You cooked, I clean." I gestured to the mess. "Well suite yourself then." "You really didn't have to do all of this Regina. And I'm sorry that I didn't wake you last night after the movie." I said. "It's okay. I only woke up a few minutes before Henry and he said he was hungry. I figured you don't get to sleep in much so I didn't wanna wake you." She smiled. "He really liked you Gina." I said Gina, mocking Henry. "Gina huh? I thought that was Henry's thing." She said. "But it's so cute Gina." I smiled at her and she laughed. "Okay but only you two can say it."

I finished cleaning while Regina watched. We didn't talk but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. She broke the silence first. "Well I should probably get going. I'm not trying to over stay my welcome." She giggled. "You're always welcome here. And besides its Sunday. You can stay with us if you don't have anything to do." I smiled at her. "I don't have anything to do." She said. I looked at her and took in what I saw. She was wearing my pajamas and she had taken off her makeup. She still looked stunning. "Well, Henry and I will probably go to the movie theater today. We always do something together on Sunday's. Would you like to join us?" I asked her. She smiled and looked down at her clothes. "I would love too. But I'm pretty sure neither this not the dress I wore last night is appropriate for the movies. Would we be able to stop at my house?" "As much as I love my pjs on you, we can definitely stop at yours." I said and she smiled. "Okay."

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